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Full Version: Round 3 Sign Ups
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Dalicious Round 3 sign ups will end January 31st, 2010. The contest itself will begin on February 2nd, 2010 and go through March 20th, 2010.

Sign-Up by sending the following information to

Forum Name:
Dals Name:
Fun Fact About Your Dal:

Also please send a 150×150 picture of your Dal to be put on the contestants page.

Dals Name - Participants
Ally - lapetite
Callie - Nuwandalice
Cookie - PairofWings
Dita - Kookie
Emaline - Sheepie

Ettarde Drake - DeadlyNova
Evie Crane - Witchit
Fay - MissSunshine
Fuyi - Aquinosejuega
Katie Rose - Biku

Katsu Curry - Taquito - King
Kindle - Hina Ichigo
Lalami - Vanie
Lark Tamago - Babelglyph
Mae - SoshiLoveSushi

Marlee - Holyponiesbatman
Miyuki Daruma - Esme123
Phoebe - Joni
Pilar Peyton - SugarMag123
Raikou - MizuiKitty

Robin - Stephie97
Spencer - Ravenwcatz
Tancy - Mckenna
Taylor - HarukaKat
Torrent - Pinkcow

Yoko - Yukittie

Waiting on Photo
Momo - Drtaisthename
I'm gonna sign up - hopefully I'll do better this time! :3
Signed up grin
Just signed up. :-)
Signed up and excited! grin Last round I didn't have my Dal yet and was totally gutted. :3
signed up^^ and the photo is on its way^^
I signed up! grin
I wish I had time! I tried last time but rushed too many pics that weren't very good. : ) I can't wait for round three....I will enjoy seeing everyone's interpretations of the theme.
Are we allowed to have any changes to our entered Dal throughout the competition? I have a wig ordered for Callie that may or may not get here before the first photo is due, and wondering if it's ok to change halfway through. smile
(01-18-2010, 05:19 AM)nuwandalice Wrote: [ -> ]Are we allowed to have any changes to our entered Dal throughout the competition? I have a wig ordered for Callie that may or may not get here before the first photo is due, and wondering if it's ok to change halfway through. smile

yea, thats fine.
Just sent in my info! I'm excited, this is my first time entering Dalicious. :-3
I can't take part anymore..due personal issues...I'm sorry
im signing up! i just have to take a few good pics of my Robin and we're good to go! (:
I signed up! Happy
I think I'll try this again. smile
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