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Marty and Jace's "Spring" Outing - Printable Version

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Marty and Jace's "Spring" Outing - GreysPrincess - 03-21-2016

Marty has been wanting to get out and enjoy the spring weather this week, but everything seems to have been conspiring against her- rain, my work schedule, my social anxiety...

Yesterday things finally worked out to go to the park and have some fun, and Marty invited her friends to come along, but things still didn't quite go according to plan: Nevada "wasn't feeling well" and stayed home, and it wasn't quite as warm as it had been (About 45F). But she's stubborn and was determined to have a good time with Jace, even if she was dressed for warmer weather.

[Image: 25298171044_01f1849f51_z.jpg]

[Image: 25930909325_d8f5dd00c3_z.jpg]

Marty and Jace have become pretty good friends since meeting. Sometimes their personalities clash a bit- Marty's pretty rambunctious while he's more the quiet stoic type- but they get along quite well and enjoy spending time together.

[Image: 25930910005_b14d1b6bc4_z.jpg]

[Image: 25835943351_d599866058_z.jpg]

[Image: 25630315840_95e8dc8706_z.jpg]

Marty's the type to look at a rock and see a challenge, so she enjoyed a little bit of rock climbing. She even convinced Jace to join her, which is saying something- he wouldn't outright admit it, but Jace is a little bit afraid of heights.

[Image: 25298193554_eb23b26097_z.jpg]

As cute as rompers are, they're not exactly appropriate for 45 degree weather, so Marty ended up shivering up in the wind.

[Image: 25630340190_a5b3590d49_z.jpg]

Luckily, she had her boyfriend there to help keep her warm.

[Image: 25930920665_9452d3cba3_z.jpg]

This rock looked like a perfect slide, and Marty took the opportunity. Jace, on the other hand, didn't feel the scraped knees and unwanted adrenaline rush would be worth the "fun."

[Image: 25298170504_77a33dde17_z.jpg]

I did also really like this close-up I got of Jace. Makes him look pensive.

All in all I think they had a fun outing, even if Nevada was "sick." (She seemed fine when they got back, though...) Shout-out to my best friend/housemate who came with me to help me hold/pose dolls and curb my social anxiety. smile

Also, I finally got around to giving last names to my dolls. Marty's and Nemo's last name is Mills, Jace's is Quinn, and Nevada's is Covington.

RE: Marty and Jace's "Spring" Outing - dargosmydaddy - 03-21-2016

Great photos! Your dolls have so much personality, and the landscape is gorgeous smile

RE: Marty and Jace's "Spring" Outing - Little mouse - 03-21-2016

I love how much personality your dolls have too! What fabulous photos of their (chilly) day at the park!

RE: Marty and Jace's "Spring" Outing - Offgenemi - 03-22-2016

I love their photo stories smile please continue making them. Jace and Marty are a great pair . Marty always puts a smile on my face smile

RE: Marty and Jace's "Spring" Outing - Cornflower Blue - 03-22-2016

Sounds like a set up on Nevada's part to get the two of them together. It also looks like an interesting place to take photos.

RE: Marty and Jace's "Spring" Outing - GreysPrincess - 03-23-2016

Thanks, everybody! Glad you like them!

(03-22-2016, 01:55 AM)Offgenemi Wrote: I love their photo stories smile please continue making them. Jace and Marty are a great pair . Marty always puts a smile on my face smile

Marty holds a soft spot in my heart as my first Pullip, so yeah, you can expect to see a lot of her. smile

(03-22-2016, 01:05 PM)Cornflower Blue Wrote: Sounds like a set up on Nevada's part to get the two of them together. It also looks like an interesting place to take photos.

Nevada's definitely a meddler. She knows what she's doing! smile

RE: Marty and Jace's "Spring" Outing - Alliecat - 03-23-2016

Looks like fun! Warm "late light" like that is always nice for pictures. And she really does look cold. Glad you were finally able to get out with them.