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Full Version: Feedback For Zoegirl
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+1 for buyer, very sweet and a total pleasure to do business with :sp 2:
+1 Great buyer, good communication and fast payment.
Very nice to deal with! <img src=" />
+1 as a buyer

As always Zoegirl is an excellent buyer, friendly, communicative, and always pays fast! Thanks for being a SUPER (repeat) customer!
+1 great buyer, extremely nice grin
+1 as a buyer!

Couldn't have asked for a sweeter person to deal with smile
Lovely and kind <3
+1 positive as a buyer. She was very friendly and also very understanding when I made a mistake with her order. Communication was great and I hope to be able to do business w/her in the future! Thank you!! (and I apologize for taking so long to leave feedback <img src=" /> )
+1 from me! Fast payment, excellent communication! Thanks!


+1. Sold hoodie, fantastic buyer, fast payment and a pleasure to deal with smile
Fast payment, thank you!
+ 1 for zoegirl, she's so nice and paid really quickly! ^^ I'm glad I could help you fix your boy~ *^^*!
+1 as a great buyer. Really nice, and a Sweet girl to do business with.
+1 for your purchase and thanks so much for your patience
+1 as a buyer!

I love dealing with her! Very polite and friendly as always smile Welcome back any time!
+1 for being a great buyer. Fast payment and good communication^^
Thank you!^^
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