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I'm thinking of buying another drta so I will have drta twins <3
What would you say is a fair price for one nude + wig?
I noticed that with full stock she's not very cheap @ ebay at the moment <img src=" />
She's $105 NRFB at Pullipstyle (and worth every penny)! I would put $60 as a fair price for a nude stock Drta with her original chips and wig.
Thanks TrueFan! She's great isn't she? I have one that didn't come with her original wig. And although I love her rewigged, I think I might like one with her original wig as well smile

But wow, Pullipstyle is almost 30 dollars cheaper than ebay!!! Only problem I have is customs, if she doesn't sneak through I will have to pay those 30 dollars extra after all sad
I'll think about it, but thanks for the tip!
Oh, and 60 dollars sounds like a very good price for a nude doll! Thanks for helping out <3
Pullipstyle always writes a lower value on the package grin
That's fantastic news Yukittie grin
Now I only have to decide if I really need twins wink
Is this still what she is pretty much selling for? I don't see any on PS, it looks like she's sold out and in the archive now?
She is the first Dal to sell out.
Any ideas on what her price is at the moment. I have one with her stock (wig has been removed but still there) but I'm in two minds about selling her.
Someone sold her here for $85 just recently OOB in practically new condition, and about a month ago, someone sold her on ebay OOB, excellent condition for $80. But she's sold out and a very sought after Dal, probably one of the most difficult to come by these days. I wouldn't want to underestimate but then I don't want to overestimate either. Good luck with her! She's adorable~! <3333
VOTD has her for $185, which I personally think is way overpriced. I just sold one with her original wig and chips for $50. (She was a very loved Dal in not the most perfect shape, but still very cute and certainly not a bait. I bought her to customize then couldn't bring myself to do it.) I think she's still out there in plentiful supply. Plus, she is one of the early Dals, and she comes up for sale as people move on to BJDs or whatever.
I've seen the one sold for 85$ with full stock. Then I know about the undressed one sold for 50$ smile and I've seen her full stock sold for 30$, so maybe she could be about 85$ or a little more. But I'm not sure, of course.

I'm looking for her stock, or if you cannot split her, I'd be glad to get her with her stock to give a twin to my coming cutie. I don't want to customize any Drta, only redress, or just buy her stock or a complete one with stock. Missing Dal adoption is here. yay I just have to wait next month to buy anything more. LOL
If you aren't sure you want to sell her, pantoufle, I would recommend holding off. She'll be harder to get if you want her again after selling her, and her price will probably go up if you do decide to sell her later.
I hope her price will not increase so much, I hope to find at least her stock for an affordable price. sad
Thanks everyone. That's what I was worried about Truefan. That I may regret selling her once I've done so. I'll try and sell other things first in the hope that I can keep hold of her!
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