Dolly Market Forum

Full Version: Challenge 4 - Friendship
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The theme is Friendship.
Who is your Dal's best friend?

This challenge will run from September 8th-13th
Entries are due by September 13th at Midnight EST
Judging will be on the 14th

--You will have 6 days to take your photo and submit it.
--There will be 1 day of judging between challenges. You can and will be disqualified if your photo is not in by the due date.
--All files should be 500x375 or 375x500.
--All files should be emailed to with the name of the challenge and the contestants name in the subject.

<strong>Entries Received</strong>
Ailis - Elderham
Berry - LittleSu
Chanterelle - Myufish
Charlotte - Rinslet
Cinna - DallyDoll

Cinnita - Pyochi
Coraline - Saruwarui
Dalvam - Hina Ichigo
Emilia - spaZZ
Jahna - Sheepie

Katie Rose - Biku
Katsu Curry - Taquito-King
Kotono - Cianni
Mau - Yukittie
Morgan - Mckenna

Pia - Molly Dolly
Princessa - Requiem
Robin - Sugarmag123
Sophie - Zoegirl
Spencer - Ravenwcatz

Tez - Asashi
Torrent - Pinkcow
Umber - Truefan
Valeria - Baxterbrat

24 out of 26
Sent in my entry today! Happy
Woohoo! I was able to get mine in today - as in not 11pm sunday night.
Sent my entry. ^^
sent mine in!
I have to work all weekend, so I went ahead and just sent mine!
Sent in my entry! Special 2
Entry sumbitted just now.
I just sent in mine Sweatdrop