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Full Version: Two verrryy crappy pictures of my new custom.
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So as everyone knows my cameras gone for now, and my phones camera is to shit. But I finished my mini me custom for a dear friend of mine. Here's the only two pictures I have of her right now :/ I know they're bad but oh well

[Image: beckyjr2.jpg]
[Image: Beckyjr.jpg]

and this is my friend Becky for comparison (she doesn't have AS long hair but her hair is down her back xD and she wears h.naoto clothes...she has a skirt like prunellas >.> but different, but its FRILL)

[Image: 6248_234990515413_819560413_7914591_3743387_n.jpg]

xD picture taken by me too hahaha...oh i miss my camera ;_;
How cute they both are! smile I think you've done a great job, love the pink hair!
Awwww they look both adorable Heart 2
wow - really kool - i love them both XD
wow, she is really cute, you did a great job!
Your friend and her dolly both look awesome! Nice job!
Thanks guys, Becky was ecstatic to have her XD I wish I got better pictures of her before she was given away but I'll take photos of her when my cameras back and I go over her place next :3
I'd love to see a pic of both girls together LOL
She and your friend are both so pretty!
She is gorgeous! I think you did a fantastic job capturing your friend in doll form. And I'm so glad your friend loved her so much too <3