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Yup! All the doll kids went to see Santa tonight. So Merry Christmas! And enjoy!

Cain: I don't know how you let Zoey talk you into this.....
Kona: Neither do I.....
[Image: Santa1.jpg]

Kona: Alice! What do you want for Christmas? Oh, umm, ho ho ho....
Alice: Santna!...... Bunnies?
Kona: Bunnies? You want bunnies for Christmas?
Alice: Yes!
Kona: *laughs* Ok I'll see what I can do!
Alice: Thank you Santna!!
[Image: Santa2.jpg]

Alice: Oh! Come here Santna!
Kona: Huh?
Alice: *whisper whisper whisper*
Kona: *eyes widen* Umm.... Yeah.....Ok.....Well I'll, uh, see what I can do....
Alice: Thank you Santna!
[Image: Santa3.jpg]

Kona: Ok Anybelle! What would you like Santa to bring you for Christmas?
Anya: Dinosaurs!!! I want dinosaurs!
Kona: *laughs* Oh, ummm, Ho ho ho! Dinosaurs! I'll have to see what I can do to get you some dinosaurs then.
Anya: Rawr!! That means Thank you in dinosaur. *nods*
[Image: Santa4.jpg]

Kona: Ashley! What would you like for Christmas?
Ashley: Uh..... Ummm.... Can I have an alligator?
Kona: *smile* I'm sure I can make sure you get an alligator.
Ashley: Yay! Alyssa! He said I can have an alligator!
[Image: Santa5.jpg]

Kona: Hello Alyssa, and what would you like for Christmas?
Alyssa: Can I have an alligator like Ashley's?
Kona: Ho ho ho! Of course you may!
[Image: Santa6.jpg]

Kona: Little Kat, do you have something you'd like Santa to bring you?
Little Kat: Yes please. May I please have a pony? I've been very good this year and helped take care of my little sisters and everything.
Kona: You have???? I'll tell you a secret, Santa knows you've been a good girl and he'll try hard to make sure you get that pony.
[Image: Santa7.jpg]

Kona: Aren't you three going to come tell Santa what you want?
Sakura: Seriously?? Aren't we a bit old for Santa?
Kaori: Come one Sakura! It'll be fun! Like we are little again!
Sayuri: Yeah, sure, why not. Kaori's right. It will be fun to play "little" again.
[Image: Santa8.jpg]

Kona: What do you want for Christmas Kaori?
Kaori: Well Santa, I think I'd like some new shoes. Purple ones.
Kona: You are such a girl! Ok Kaori, I'll see what I can do.
[Image: Santa9.jpg]

Kona: Ok Sayuri, what would you like?
Sayuri: *giggles* Santa *giggles* I'd like a new dress.
Kona: *shakes his head* What kind of kid asks for clothes?
Sayuri: The teenage kind!
Kona: *laughs* I guess so. A new dress it is!
[Image: Santa10.jpg]

Kona: Next!
Sakura: No!
Kaori: Come on Sakura! It'll be fun! Besides, how will Santa know what to bring you if you don't tell him?
Sakura: That is NOT Santa! And I am NOT 5!
Sayuri: Come on Sakura! We both did it. At least it's just Kona and not some creepy old guy. And he's even kinda cute.
Sakura: *blush* No!
[Image: Santa11.jpg]

Kaori: Come on Sakura! Go! We both did it! You can too!
Sayuri: Yeah!
Sakura: I said no!
Kona: Come on Sakura. Please? I don't have cooties. I promise.
Sakura: *blush* Grrrrrrrr! Fine!
[Image: Santa12.jpg]

Kona: Ok Sakura, what do you want for Christmas?
Sakura: *grumbles* A doll.
Kona: What was that? A doll?
Sakura: Yes!
Kona: *laughs* Is that all?
Sakura: *nod*
[Image: Santa13.jpg]

Kona: Hmmmm. Well, Santa was told there was something else you wanted.
Sakura: *blink*
Kona: *kiss*
[Image: Santa14.jpg]

Sakura: What was....... What did.....Huh?
Kona: *chuckles*
Kaori: Yes!
[Image: Santa15.jpg]

Sakura: Who...... How....... *stumble*
Kona: Sakura!
[Image: Santa16.jpg]

Sakura: *catches herself*
Kona: Be careful! Are you ok?
Kaori: Merry Christmas Sakura!!!
[Image: Santa17.jpg]

Earlier today, while everyone was setting up for Santa's arrival......

Kaori: Psst! Hey Alice! Are those cookies for Santa?
Alice: Yes!
Kaori: Are you excited about Santa coming?
Alice: Yes!
[Image: SantaAlice1.jpg]

Kaori: Do you know what you are going to ask Santa for?
Alice: Bunnies!
Kaori: Bunnies?!? So you aren't afraid of Santa then?
Alice: No. Santna not scarey.
Kaori: Wow! You're brave! Poor Sakura is afraid of Santa.
Alice: Why?
Kaori: I don't know, but she's afraid to tell him what she wants for Christmas. If only there was someone who could tell Santa for her.....
Alice: Me! I'll tell Santna!
Kaori: You will? That's so nice of you! Come here and I'll tell you what she wants.
Alice: Ok!
Kaori: What Sakura really wants for Christmas is a Kona kiss.
Alice: A Konakiss?
Kaori: Yup!
Alice: Ok! I'll tell Santna for Sakura!
[Image: SantaAlice2.jpg]
Hahahaha perfect back-story at the end there because at first I was kind of like "He did WHAT?! He totally took advantage of Sakura! Pervy Santa! Rawr!" Anyways reeeeeeeally cute pic-fic. Thanks for sharing!
awe so cute - i love it - and is Sakura on a type 4? - shes just a little taller then the other dals - but i love this story
That was adorable!! ^^
Loved it! It was so cute!
No, Sakura just has a hat and big shoes. She's still on her stock body.