I went to the meet up in Chicago, and brought my yarn wig I had made to show it off. Every one loved it, and TrueFan asked if I would make one for her to raffle off at Puddle. I was happy to, and here it is. Laura was glad to model for me because she got to wear the blue coat I got from the market here.
So, if you like the wig, make sure you get yourself to Puddle!
It's lovely. Thanks for the donation!
really nice - i love that its hand made ^^
It's so pretty--I love the soft pink color. Wish I was going to PUDDLE!
(02-13-2012, 09:29 AM)KiraKira Wrote: [ -> ]It's so pretty--I love the soft pink color. Wish I was going to PUDDLE!
yeah its such a pity that you have to live all the way over there in beautiful Hawaii
no im just teasing you - wish you could come too - its so much fun - i was upset when i missed it one year - my sister just had to have her bachelorette party on the same day - lol - you'll have to save up to make it one year - you'll never want to leave
Thanks for the compliments guys. If it makes you feel any better, I still don't know if I can even make it to Puddle. If I work that day, I won't get to go, but I think I'll buy a new doll to make up for it

Very cute! Your yarn wigs always look adorable.