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Full Version: Awakening of Spring
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We finally started to have nice weather here. So, Drossel got her first taste of being outside since she came to live with me in November. x3

[Image: 8606198825_4927604d32.jpg]
Spring is Awake

[Image: 8606204583_305e1ca4ac.jpg]
Once there was the Sun

[Image: 8606208279_97f0bff422.jpg]

[Image: 8607317568_887fc18fb5.jpg]
A flower for you
She looks happy to be outside enjoying the nice weather! Well, as happy as a Dal ever looks, I suppose. LOL I love that wig on her!
I love her hair blowing in the breeze.
I think your pictures turned out really well. Did you get a new camera? I really like her shirt too, did you make it?
Naw, no new camera. -giggle-
But yes, I did make her shirt. :3
Her hair looks so soft and fluffy! These outdoor shots are nice! grin
I love how floaty fur wigs look in a breeze. Here's to the nicer days to come, because I'm so tired of being cold!
You did a great job on the shirt! She does look pretty pleased to be outdoors!
Here's to spring! I love her look in the first pic especially. Great shirt and photos.

(04-01-2013, 02:46 PM)Bohemian Wrote: [ -> ]She looks happy to be outside enjoying the nice weather! Well, as happy as a Dal ever looks, I suppose. LOL I love that wig on her!

Isn't it the truth?! xd