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Hi everyone!
Just wanted to do an update of some of the photos I've been taking recently. I don't think I've posted any of these here before but if I have, I apologize! I hope you like them smile

[Image: 8381707132_0c924b5396.jpg]
Snow Fairy by LovelyPapin, on Flickr
Some of you may recognise this from the photo contest! Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me, I was so ecstatic to win and had a lot of fun entering. Thank you!

[Image: 8389646589_9026533d26.jpg]
Firewood by LovelyPapin, on Flickr

[Image: 8397830921_fd71914af9.jpg]
Frozen by LovelyPapin, on Flickr

[Image: 8409510810_20a13c6530.jpg]
Poison Apples by LovelyPapin, on Flickr

[Image: 8428001658_3bc9a98a12.jpg]
The New Guy by LovelyPapin, on Flickr
This is Kikashi, my newest doll.

[Image: 8486809840_935195caba.jpg]
Sunlight by LovelyPapin, on Flickr

[Image: 8494602763_625d08ddc4.jpg]
.:Goodbye:. by LovelyPapin, on Flickr
Nuala, just before she left.

[Image: 8581998045_44ca6030ec.jpg]
The Lightning Song by LovelyPapin, on Flickr

[Image: 8535211544_a07270e483.jpg]
Wild Horses by LovelyPapin, on Flickr

Thanks for looking everyone! Have a good week.
Your photos are always gorgeous and worth a look! smile. I love that snow fairy photo, and anything with Gossamer in it!
Lovely photos! I never knew it was Paja on the first pic, I'm very glad I voted for her! That first pic also never ceases to amaze me. Just magical smile
The others are beautiful too. I especially like Poison Apples, I guess its my second favorite then.
@KiraKira- Thanks so much for the support, it's really appreciated! I'm trying to take some more photos of Gossamer, I feel like I've been neglecting her a little Tongue I'm really glad you like, thanks so much again!

@beajjai033- Thank you very much! Aw, I'm so happy you voted for her too! Thanks! That's lovely to read grin
I always enjoy seeing new photos from you. And of Haru!
Gorgeous piccies smile You're really talented!
*_______* so beautiful pics!! I really like the first *_*
@Cornflower Blue- Aw thanks! That's really kind of you smile another Haru fan, yay!

@Lilcurly- Wow thank you so much! I'm really happy you think so, that's very sweet of you to say smile

@DamaMizar- Thank you for the lovely comment <3
Great photos! They have so much personality to them, and are so nicely put together! Loving all your dolls too. I like Frozen & Poison Apples the best <3
@bambi latte- Thank you ever so much! I'm glad you like them smile I almost didn't upload Poison Apples, so I'm really happy you like it the best! <3