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Very quick intro to Zuzu, who is to be Tinkerbell's companion. I haven't placed her wings on yet, and I have a fancy fairy wig, but I love this old one on her! KiraKira chips suit her her very well, if I do say so myself. I didn't spend the time on finishing up her ears that I should have...but it doesn't show here. Isn't she cute? [Image: DSCN0453377x640_zps6f21d45e.jpg][Image: DSCN0454380x640_zps14bd6f0a.jpg]
so cute - can i ask what your planning on useing for her wings?
Oh she looks so cute so far!! Something about Dal's and pointy ears just works so well!
Her dress looks lovely too.
Nice ears!
(06-21-2013, 05:15 PM)MissMandyLynne Wrote: [ -> ]so cute - can i ask what your planning on useing for her wings?

I got two net butterflies at Hobby Lobby, and I think they will work nicely, placed together so the decorated outsides both show. I just have to rig them on.
You're becoming quite the customizer! I'm looking forward to seeing more of her when she gets her wings.
She's so cute! I love those ears!
I like her ears. :3
Great colour-scheme. I love her eyes with her hair smile