Amarie Photography agreed to judge the PUDDLE photo/art contest but I have not been able to get ahold of her. I've emailed and flickr mailed her. Does anyone know her/know if something is up? Thanks.
Uh oh... I don't know her but I hope everything is okay.

Maybe she just went away for the holiday?
I believe she lives in Spain, and I've been trying to contact her for a couple of weeks.
Maybe ask Requiemart to judge, if you can't get a hold of Amarie? I'd offer but I entered ^^;
Oh I see.... I would maybe just ask another judge to step in if you can't get a hold of Amarie, like Hina suggested.
Requiem is judging the custom contests at PUDDLE, and I'd hate to rely on her TOO much. I'll keep it mind if I can't rouse Amarie or another photographer. I could get myu fish to judge the art, probably.
Do you know 'Valerie Busymum" on flickr? I don't, & don't know who she is, but I love her photos. Just a thought when you said "another photographer".