Congrats to Marsian, the fabulous winner of round 4. Our next theme is sports! We look forward to lots of great action shots!
Photos are due by April 22nd Midnight
Thanks Hina!
Even though I picked the theme and have some ideas, I am going to sit this one out.
I'ts just to busy for me right now
Looking forward to everybodies creativity! To quote Alliecat:
(02-11-2015, 04:11 PM)Alliecat Wrote: [ -> ]Hope to see lots of entries. C'mon, new people -- you can play too 
Yay sports! I think my Isuls will have a fun with this theme. I need to get out when the weather isn't pouring rain or chilly breeze. >__< where is the sunshine for April?
Oooh I really want to join but might have to wait for round 6! Not sure what sport I could have Marianne playing! Unless tea-drinking is now classed as a sport...

(04-09-2015, 03:42 AM)Jencut Wrote: [ -> ]Oooh I really want to join but might have to wait for round 6! Not sure what sport I could have Marianne playing! Unless tea-drinking is now classed as a sport... 
Haha, it may have to be epic sewing/knitting competition!
That mini croquet set is adorable.
hmm... Croquet... Might have to break out the Mad tea partiers again...
So I received one entry for this ^^;
Ooooh sorry

I ordered the croquet set but it was 1:12 and far too small!
Got distracted and too busy. Midweek is a bit awkward as I'm usually a last minute procrastinator.
I try to arrange it so that there are a couple of weekends during the contest.
@ hina and participant: Noooo, thats so sad! i have had soooo many ideas but as said previously the past (and coming) weeks are so stressfully busy that i could not participate.
@Jencut, you probably know now through e

erience but for those who don't, when ordering accessories for Pullip and friends, 1/6 is their body scale (and even then it's a good idea to look at the measurements!).
I lost track of time also...i meant to enter this round, but somehow missed the deadline. I'm sorry.