Wee Rosalind doesn't get to go on a lot of adventures, since she's not really dressed for it. But impractical outfit and all, she did get an outing to the beach recently.
![[Image: 22187367610_e8708a1d48_o.jpg]](https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5707/22187367610_e8708a1d48_o.jpg)
The tide was out.
![[Image: 21754273583_038d5813ce_o.jpg]](https://farm1.staticflickr.com/657/21754273583_038d5813ce_o.jpg)
Some perfect dolly-sized shrubbery.
![[Image: 22362275342_febc61bdb2_o.jpg]](https://farm1.staticflickr.com/570/22362275342_febc61bdb2_o.jpg)
Looking for the royal yacht?
![[Image: 22188526079_fed59bbc83_o.jpg]](https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5742/22188526079_fed59bbc83_o.jpg)
Isn't she sweet!
she is so cute

I love that last photo especially.
Does she refuse to wear "common" people's clothes? I just wondered if she could borrow from one of her sisters for an adventure, or if she is an especially floofy princess

She's very sweet!
Tell her it's ok...my big Rosalind refuses to take off her impractical clothes too

She is super duper sweet!
She is just lovely! Love the gazing picture 'looking for a royal yacht' aswell as the last one, yes she is incredibly sweet!

She looks slightly bemused by the great outdoors

She looks great in that dress!
It looks like she took a trip away from the royal setting to look at some beach scenery

she is adorable, froofy-dress and all! I especially love the shot with the ocean in the background. I believe you live in PEI, right? I'm in NS and our coasts are similar (minus the red earth of course!). I should really take my dolls out to the shore sometime- these pics are very inspiring!
She looks like a princess roaming the cliffs outside her castle by the sea!
I just love her pretty face

she looks very happy to be outside away from the formal duties

Thanks so much everyone!!

Rosalind is very flattered by all the nice comments. We are all lucky to have our little castle by the sea
(10-23-2015, 09:16 AM)MercyTiara Wrote: [ -> ]I believe you live in PEI, right? ... I should really take my dolls out to the shore sometime- these pics are very inspiring!
Nope, NB. Yes, you should! Would love to see the photos!
(10-23-2015, 07:24 AM)dargosmydaddy Wrote: [ -> ]She looks slightly bemused by the great outdoors 
I agree. Her e

ression always seems slightly inquiring and sweetly hopeful.
(10-22-2015, 02:42 PM)Miss Edith Wrote: [ -> ]Does she refuse to wear "common" people's clothes? I just wondered if she could borrow from one of her sisters for an adventure, or if she is an especially floofy princess 
Haha. Nope, she doesn't mind. I try not to redress the minis too much cos they're so delicate... her hair is already a bit of a rat's nest (out of the box, alas) so that complicates the process too. But you made me curious.... so Scarlett traded with her. I was going to shoot a quick photo for fun but decided I want better light, not midnight with an end-table light. So will wait for daylight! (Scarlett in Ros's outfit was quite a surprise

Rosalind was inspired by Miss Edith's question to try a new look. She had the smallest portfolio of all the PrettyTiny Film Co. models, so she was happy to e

First she did a random trade with Scarlett.
![[Image: 22461378071_42089cea42_o.jpg]](https://farm1.staticflickr.com/745/22461378071_42089cea42_o.jpg)
Here she is with a glass model of (they wish!) the royal yacht.
![[Image: 22262477150_0d867d63c8_o.jpg]](https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5806/22262477150_0d867d63c8_o.jpg)
Then we got into the clothes box.
She didn't really have to give up elegant, as the minis have some nice outfits.
![[Image: 22424453576_010fb42fec_o.jpg]](https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5679/22424453576_010fb42fec_o.jpg)
Lookit dat faaace
The real surprise was, Scarlett tried on Ros's outfit just for fun.
![[Image: 21829303423_6a77245677_o.jpg]](https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5775/21829303423_6a77245677_o.jpg)
Princess Scarlett??
![[Image: 22461375251_f6c3e53fcf_o.jpg]](https://farm1.staticflickr.com/693/22461375251_f6c3e53fcf_o.jpg)
Who'd have guessed Sunsette's li'l sis would glam up like that. She's come a long way from that goofy red furry outfit she arrived in.
So Scarlett got half today's photoshoot. She apologized for crashing the party, but Ros is very sweet and was happy to share. I think they had fun.
![[Image: 22262472390_2a48281e81_o.jpg]](https://farm1.staticflickr.com/656/22262472390_2a48281e81_o.jpg)
Two pretty glamorous little ladies!
Thanks for looking

That's cute!
Scarlett looks surprisingly good in Roslind's stock. 0__0
Wow! I would have thought that would be too much red for Scarlett, but she looks fabulous!
aww what beauties -- both of them
Rosalind looks so cute in the sailor outfit (still with her princess hair is certainly a different look than Scarlett !)
I love that yacht and the chair & couch are so cute. The closeup of Rosalind is absolutely gorgeous, she has the most sweetly curious e

And Scarlett .. WOW. With that white skin and all the red perfectly matched she is stunning! A natural fashion model.
The last photo is perfect. Alliecat, you have opened the eyes of the pullip world to just how lovely the smallest family members can be