I thought there was a thread somewhere to put just a single photo without opening a whole new thread, but I can't seem to find it (maybe it was another forum I'm thinking of). Anyhow, here is a pic of Neela (Pullio Cat Woman) and Suri (Bloody Red Hood) at work. There are more pics from this photoshoot but I haven't transferred them from my camera yet.
Suri and Neela at work by
Mercy Tiara, on Flickr
Both of them are so lovely!
Woah awesome lab set! May I ask where you got it?
Neela and Suri fit nicely in the lab setting

I hope you'll post the rest of the photos from this shoot too!
I love all of the detail you put into your photos, the goggles, lab coats, and ID's (really nice ID's by the way!) really add to the photo!
Thanks so much!
AliceMR: the lab set is actually from American Girl. The 1/3 scale of AG accessories is often too large for Pullips, but because their heads are closer to 1/3, accessories that go around the face or head tend to look ok. Thanks for noticing the details. It took me most of the morning to make the ID badges, a WMIS poster and white board for the background, and assemble everything I needed. I also had to modify a table to make it into a lab counter, but I'm pretty pleased with the results. This photo shoot is for an episode of my PicFic. I'll post more pics from this shoot soon!
that is a really wonderful photo. As mentioned, SO much detail and the girls look completely natural and as if they are really doing their work, chatting and laughing.
Interesting photo, but I can't help but wonder if they are up to no good.
Thanks again, everyone.
CB: that's an interesting take on the picture... I don't want everyone's intentions to be clear in my picfic so I like that it brings that question to mind. My lips are sealed though... Only time will tell if they are up to no good!
You might be thinking of the Daily Photo Thread.
This is really cute, they look like cute little scientists! I agree with CB that it does seem like they may be up to no good. :o
(10-23-2015, 06:39 AM)MercyTiara Wrote: [ -> ]I thought there was a thread somewhere to put just a single photo without opening a whole new thread, but I can't seem to find it (maybe it was another forum I'm thinking of). Anyhow, here is a pic of Neela (Pullio Cat Woman) and Suri (Bloody Red Hood) at work. There are more pics from this photoshoot but I haven't transferred them from my camera yet.
I love the attention to detail, awesome photo!
I love the photo, I can see them moving in their cute lab. Now I need to hunt down those AG lab sets

Brh looks like she's up to no good. ^^ ("Now, with this enzyme, WE CAN CONQUER THE WORLD.")
Ohmigosh, what a great picture!! This totally looks like a movie screencap, they are alive and you just froze the action... Sometimes it can be hard to get dolls to look like they're looking where you want them to look...

... but these two are totally focused on what they're doing. Great poses! And wow, dolly-sized chemistry stuff o.O I've watched the picfic videos and also enjoyed your behind-the scenes photos a lot on your blog. It's neat to see how people set up their shots.
(10-24-2015, 12:48 PM)fishy Wrote: [ -> ]("Now, with this enzyme, WE CAN CONQUER THE WORLD.")
Um, cuteness enzyme...?

This is so great!
They just released a rement science set (that I'm totally getting my friend for Christmas, but she doesn't read this dolly forum, so hopefully my secret is safe!)
Amazing props

I love the look of concentration on Suri's eyes keke
The detail is amazing, great lab set!