Meet Exemplar. Exemplar is a Groove USA sample doll. Monomono is my favorite Dal (as most of you know, ha), and since she was the first Monomono I saw listed for sale as a sample doll, I choose to believe she is one of the first Monomono! She had a bit of spa time first to remove some of the scuffs and dirt, and she got different legs to replace her stained left Dal leg and "right" left Pullip leg.
Exemplar by
TrueFan, on Flickr
She models the perfect cute outfit for Monomono - a monkey themed casual dress from Keely's Cute Kimono.
Exemplar by
TrueFan, on Flickr
Exemplar by
TrueFan, on Flickr
i think she is the prettiest monomono (not that the others are not pretty)! I love this wig on her. she has these pinkish eyes and the wig matches.
Aw. I always like to see worse-for-wear dolls getting salvaged and spiffed up by those who appreciate them!
The wig and outfit suit her.
Awww, she's absolutely adorable!! <3
Thank you all! Monomono is a very underappreciated Dal, because of the fur wig and the monkey suit.
I adore her fur wig. (Having bought my Monomono nude, I have no basis of opinion for the monkey suit, however...)
I know many people love fur wigs, but I'm not a fan. I'd be happy to send you the monkey suit that came with Exemplar, if you'd like. It's missing I think the headpiece but the rest may be there.
Oh I love that you got what you wanted and at the same time I love that you rescued and cared so much for her.
She really has come home now!
And I love that dress...the fabric is just made for your Exemplar!
Ah, cute! ^.^ I feel that the wig's brown looks too dark on her, but I LOVE the red ends. And that monkey dress is adorbs!
I have a lot of Keely's clothing and hadn't planned to buy any more, but I could not pass up the monkey dress!
I also think the dark brown wig is a little too dark for Monomono, but it matched the outfit so well I went with it anyway. I wouldn't have decided to use it on her if it weren't for those reddish ends.
She has monkey dress AND monkey shoes, how cute is that!
Oh yes! I didn't notice the monkey shoes until you said! That is really the icing on the cake!
I love the reddish-brown tones she has, from her eyes to her hair to her dress! Beautiful doll, great outfit selection!