Thank you so much, everyone

Snow gets OLD... I so totally envy you guys in warmer places, posting pictures in winter that are greeeeen...! And yeah, the snow gets grubby here too along the roads, but I have a nice little woodlot out back. This was a couple days after the snow, so it was getting speckled with bits blown off trees. I didn't wind up getting to shoot right after the snowfall when it was all nice & fluffy. (oops I said 'nice'. Well, ok, for a few hours after it snows, it's pretty. Then you can HAVE it!!

She is such an overlooked doll... you'd never know how pretty she is under that goofy helmet in the stock photos.
AliceMR, I'm a die-hard film shooter and have no idea what to do with RGB. For doll photos I use a little mini Pentax Optio that I had to get for work. Shooting with film, I would open up a stop or 2 for snow -- meaning take it 2 stops brighter than you think you should because the meter is fooled by the bright snow and will undere

ose. With the digicam, I think it's already adjusting for that (?). I've played with the e

osure adjustment a wee bit but not in snow. Generally with digital pix that are contrasty, I lighten the shadows & decrease the highlights so there's not such a range between them, then when that difference is reduced, I increase the contrast on what's left. If you don't have photoshop there are other free programs you can use. I do try to avoid shots where there are really bright & dark areas because they're harder to fix (Daesani sitting on the tree, for example) plus I find the dolls' faces bleach out in bright light & you can't always fix that and have it still look nice!
And, if you have a lot of contrast or bright background, you can use flash to lighten their faces if they're shadowed. Again, bleach-out problems, and flashing through kleenex or paper to dim it can change the colour (yes, even white kleenex!), and I'm not getting a schmancy diffuser for that little camera, so I've figured out it works better to back off and use the zoom, then the flash is farther away and dim enough (4th pic, & bucket one).