Being a big mini fan I find these girls super adorable! I have two minis I didn't rebody yet

maybe I should rebody with this. I love the lori doll boxes they look like candy in it

so beautiful
I have Mini Miku on this type of body... She doesn't have shoes though... Where did you find them?
Thanks Offgenemi!
The shoes are generic Kelly shoes I got from ebay- they came in a lot of 30 (and that was the smallest set!) for about $10. It included 6 different colors. They are a little big, but I just tear a tiny piece of tissue and stuff it in the toe of the shoes.
ETA: Here is the link to the shoes I bought:
Oh wow! They look so cute on these bodies! I love how similar the proportions look to a ful sized Pullip.
They're seriously adorable!! If I was ever going to rebody a mini, I'd have to pick this body. Your portraits of them show them off beautifully too. I bet your daughters are thrilled.

They came out really cute! I bet your girls are thrilled to have something unique, too, since I'm sure none of their friends have one.
Nice! ♥ For once the proportions don't throw me off. I really like the way they look on those bodies.
I love what you did here.......lucky twins!
Wow, they're really cute!
This is actually adorable, lol!

Thanks everyone!
I did a lot of research to (ok, I spent an hour on flickr) to figure out which bodies I wanted. I have a friend who has a Little Pullip head on a 23 cm obitsu, and she is really cute, but part of the reason my girls like my Pullips so much is the big head, small body ratio. So it was either these or one of those tiny obitsus, but I liked the body shape of these better (again, more like Pullip). My girls have named them Sofia (Bonita) and Ellie (Craziia).
These are so cute! I love the body option you went with, as others said the proportions work really nicely for them

I like the little Dals on the little Obitsus, but the little Pullips don't look right to me on them. I think you made an excellent choice!
I love these bodies!! I totally planned to do this but then I realised I orderd the wrong body color....I didnt do enough research on azone bodies!
Sold it again but never bought new ones! This project might be worth to re-open after seeing these 2 cuties!! <3