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Full Version: Harley Gets Her Wheels
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My newest girl, my Melissa, Harley, had something special for her arrive today.

When I planned her character out I decided I wanted her to be in a wheelchair, so I bought her one and it came today! After all, we're all about diversity in this family.

I'm very happy with it.

[Image: 25770968173_7db3dce64b_z.jpg]Harley Gets Her Wheels by Haley, on Flickr
[Image: 26373629485_feffcc606c_z.jpg]Harley Gets Her Wheels by Haley, on Flickr
[Image: 25768835224_ae22716897_z.jpg]Harley Gets Her Wheels by Haley, on Flickr
[Image: 26281245182_2ec5972f27_z.jpg]Harley Gets Her Wheels by Haley, on Flickr

I'm definitely going to be making use of the outfit that came with Barbie's friend Becky(the original owner of this wheelchair) too. Now my girls will have a plaid shirt too! (I do have a bit of an obsession with plaid shirts, I'm not gonna lie.)

Thank you all for looking!
I love this! Gorgeous girl. smile
What an awesome little wheelchair! (And it matches her hair smile)
I love the diversity in your dolly family. I love her her chair matches her hair and lips smile I am very curious about her character and looking forward to get to know her.
Ahhh, where did you get her wheelchair?! I've been wanting one for my doll Beatrice grin
She is absolutely gorgeous!
Is it weird to call a wheelchair adorable? It looks really great!
I think she said its from a Mattel Wheelchair Becky:
Oh, I guess I should have looked it up! I didn't know if it was a current doll or something off of eBay or what. smile
I'm always amazed at the doll-sized things you can get. What a great realistic-looking little wheelchair. Now she needs like stickers on it to personalize it as hers LOL And Harley is beautiful. I think I like the first photo best.
Thank you all so so much! <3<3<3 I also love how it matches her hair and lips, and that was only partially done on purpose, haha.

Yes, the wheelchair is from Becky, a Barbie from the 90's. I got it for pretty cheap off of eBay, too! There's a pink one as well from a few years later, but it doesn't look nearly as realistic.