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Full Version: Daesani & Petra go to the beach
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Your dolls know how to play up to the camera xD they're little superstars!

I'm jealous of your beach, it looks so interesting. I'd love to be able to walk around and find cool things that have washed up to take photos with. The ones with the girls in front of the window frame(?) are amazing!

Haha and you're not a bad dolly dolls occasionally take spills too, it's all part of the adventure! And hey you got some great photos out of the experience Tongue
(05-05-2016, 09:41 PM)Missy_Crane Wrote: [ -> ]I'm jealous of your beach, it looks so interesting. I'd love to be able to walk around and find cool things that have washed up to take photos with. The ones with the girls in front of the window frame(?) are amazing!
Haha and you're not a bad dolly dolls occasionally take spills too, it's all part of the adventure! And hey you got some great photos out of the experience Tongue
Heh, thank you. It would be horrible if someone got a chipped face though. I don't know how they've managed to survive so far. If you want to join the PrettyTiny Film Company it seems one of the prerequisites is being a stuntwoman Tongue
The beach is indeed nice. It's long enough for an hour walk, all the way down & back, and now that winter storms have closed off a pond outlet, you can go a little farther.
You and your girls look beautiful!
The frame you found made an amazing prop, I love how you posed Petra on driftwood, she looks so dainty. Daesani is rocking that swimsuit!
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