Viper Queen ☆ADAW 21/52☆ by
Antique Wolf, on Flickr
Found a lil baby snake in the backyard the other day

To be honest I always thought if Evilyn was a animal she would be a snake, but a cute one tho. Anywho I thought I tried to take a photo of her with the snake. Its harder than it looks trust me.
I LOOOOVE this picture!! Evilyn is gorgeous and I love snakes!
I'm terrified of snakes, but this photo is BEAUTIFUL! I love how the snake just happens to match her color scheme. I'm just in complete awe over this photo!
What a beautiful snake! I love ring-necked snakes so much, they're some of my favorites... Did you get any shots of it curling its tail or was it too chill?
I love how her neon green eyes look slightly reptillian and otherworldly--suits the pic so well!
Oh my goodness this picture is awesome in every way! How in the world did you get her to stay up? And how did you get the snake to pose so perfectly? Amazing picture I love it!
Gah! That's so cute!! and the colour scheme is perfect too. I "shot" a baby grass snake in the garden once... If I ever find another I'm going to be tearing into the house to grab a doll. That's such a fantastic photo. Was it cold? How did you keep it from escaping? (I'm curious how many pix you had to shoot to get "the one"

omg this was you !!! I saw this photo on FB pullip group and was dumbstruck by the colour scheme and the snake and her eyes ! I didn't realise that was you

One of the best doll photos I have ever seen.
I am super scared of snakes so congratulate your for your courage to pick it up and use it in doll photo

it is a very good photo. Unfortunately I can't look at it more than a second at a time :

This is amazing. It looks so beautiful - it must've taken you ages to get the snake and the doll looking this perfect!
(06-02-2016, 12:08 PM)Pink Haired Freak Wrote: [ -> ]Found a lil baby snake in the backyard the other day
To be honest I always thought if Evilyn was a animal she would be a snake, but a cute one tho. Anywho I thought I tried to take a photo of her with the snake. Its harder than it looks trust me.
That's quite a photogenic snake. It holds its own with your beautiful girl.

I had realised until you said here that it was a wild snake!!! I thought when I first saw the photo, that it was a pet one!!! *gasp*
*boggles* that's a real snake? I thought it was a prop! O_O LOL!!!
Okay, it's not just a beautiful photo with a gorgeous Pullip...major bravery points to you too. I couldn't go near a snake, they terrify me! But you sure got an amazing photo op out of your encounter!

Wow! That's an amazing photo! I can't imagine what it took to get this shot.