My Pullip Amelia, Aaralyn, has been here ever since she was first released, I have been spending so much time working on dolls for my friends that I have had hardly any time for my own. In the meantime while I was busy, I noticed that Aaralyn had a strong connection with the pony figures ^^ Before I knew it, she wanted the pony customized to look like her. Sense both Hina and Requiem both had custom ponies I thought it would be fitting if Amelia had one of her own too. So this pony is made it honor of the two of you! Thank you again for all your hard work to create Amelia!
Thankfully I have been able to spare a few minuets to start helping Aaralyn learn the art of still life photography. ~_^ I hope you enjoy her little photo shoot!

Aaralyn: "Say apples Amelia!" *Click!*
I wasn't to sure what to do with her cutie-mark. There we so many parts of Amelia's design I loved I wanted to incorporate as much as I could. So decided on a green circle to represent the cactus purse, aviator goggles, and a cute brown bunny. ^^
The Tree's doll climb for the perfect picture.
(Don't worry, I was able to find a pair of khaki green shorts that she can ware underneath her multipurpose skirt. )
Aaralyn likes to take her pony everywhere now. I wonder where these two matching girls will go next?
Thanks for reading!

How cute! Of course she should have a customized MLP of her own designed to match. You did a great job.
(10-14-2016, 10:44 AM)Cornflower Blue Wrote: [ -> ]How cute! Of course she should have a customized MLP of her own designed to match. You did a great job.
Aww thanks CB!!

I thought so too. The pony I used to make her was Pepperdance. She worked out perfectly because she already matched Aaralyn's pink shirt and green eyes.
Second to last photo is perfect, they made the cutest pair

I love your photos!
How cute!! I think that the pony is a great reprsentation of Amelia. <3 This is adorable!
Aw, cute. I like the way she's squinting at the camera in the first pic, and also like the one of them in the tree. The two of them are nicely colour-coordinated

Awesome, i love the first photo

(10-14-2016, 12:09 PM)Offgenemi Wrote: [ -> ]Second to last photo is perfect, they made the cutest pair
I love your photos!
Aww Offgenemi, You are such a sweetheart!!

Aaralyn loves her pony to pieces. As of late it has been getting harder to find the time to take pictures of my dolls. But I am sure with Aaralyn wanting to become a better photographer is going to change that. ~_^
(10-14-2016, 12:20 PM)DeadlyNova Wrote: [ -> ]How cute!! I think that the pony is a great representation of Amelia. <3 This is adorable!
Thank you greatly DeadlyNova!!

I cannot tell you how happy it makes me that you think that she came out as great representation of the Pullip!
(10-14-2016, 12:43 PM)sceimhiuil Wrote: [ -> ]Very cute!!
Aww, thanks!! ^-^
(10-14-2016, 02:23 PM)Alliecat Wrote: [ -> ]Aw, cute. I like the way she's squinting at the camera in the first pic, and also like the one of them in the tree. The two of them are nicely colour-coordinated 
Alliecat, you are always to kind!

The first one is one of my favorites too. Aaralyn was trying her best to take the perfect picture. I was afraid when she climbed up in the tree that she would fall down. But she assured me that she wouldn't and came down all safe and sound. ~_^
(10-20-2016, 10:56 AM)enofelli Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome, i love the first photo 
Aww, thank you so much enofelli!!!

She really had a great time taking her first pony pictures.
Aww she's so cute <3 and she seems to be a very talented photographer

Your Amelia / Aralyn is quite adventurous to climb trees like that! Whatever it takes to capture the perfect photo, I guess!
(10-24-2016, 05:50 AM)pink_bunny Wrote: [ -> ]Aww she's so cute <3 and she seems to be a very talented photographer 
Aww, Pink Bunny, thank You a bunch!!

Aaralyn really loves her camera a lot! Hopefully next weekend I will have time to give her another lesson. That is, if she can wait that long?XD
(10-24-2016, 08:38 AM)davidd Wrote: [ -> ]Your Amelia / Aralyn is quite adventurous to climb trees like that! Whatever it takes to capture the perfect photo, I guess!
Thank YOU!

I couldn't agree more with you. All the seemingly crazy things we do to get the perfect shot! Like you said, Aralyn is a pretty adventurous and I was a bit scared at first she would fall having climbed so high. Luckily she made it down alright.^^ Thanks again for all your kind words!