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Full Version: CB's A Doll A Week 2019
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That’s a great dress.
Is that a Wonderland theme on her outfit?
Her dress it gorgeous - but I can see why a minty wig wouldn’t necessarily go with it.
Awww, she's so cuuute! Also, that yellow Alice dress is awesome. The first colored version of Alice's Adventures illustrations actually had yellow dress.
Ooh, she's adorable
Yes, that is an Alice in Wonderland themed print on the yellow dress.  I made it to donate to the Dollinquency Doll Collectors event from Requiem Art Designs' Rococo & Hime-Lolita pattern:  Fortunately, there is enough fabric left to make another one to keep.

I took a trip to Minneapolis to attend Blythecon and since Dollinquency was occurring the same weekend, I made it a two doll convention weekend and I have been playing catch up since I got home.  I came back with a bunch of new Blythe clothes from shopping the vendors.  Here's my Takara BL Hollywood in her new Rosiee Gelutie dress exploring the mossy tree in my backyard.
[Image: 48680937897_3a6d995e6b_z.jpg]
ADAW 26/52: Hollywood
Two doll conventions in a weekend sounds fun.
She looks like a little forest gnome beside the mossy tree.
She's cute lurking among the mosses wearing her little elf hat.
Beautiful mossy photo!
Aw, she looks so lovely, all wrapped up warm.
The while outfit suits the mossy tree in the background.

2 doll conventions in a weekend sounds like loads of fun.
It was a great opportunity to visit with dolly friends and spend too much money. LOL
[Image: 48686654741_7169ef0302_z.jpg]
ADAW 27/52: Here's my ADG (Ashton Drake Galleries) Pow Wow Poncho Blythe.  ADG was licensed to release a series of Blythe repros in the US 2004-2007.  Here's some info about them if anyone is interested:
She's wearing a Carpetbag Couture outfit by LoveLaurie and also hanging out among the mossy tree roots.
Another of your merry mossy mischief makers!

That's quite interesting that Ashton-Drake released a series of Blythe dolls.
I love these mossy pics! Your Blythes are very cute.
Hehe, she looks so miffed to be outside.
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