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Took pictures both weeks, just never got around to posting...
Week eleven
Week twelve
The brown-eyed girl is lovely!
The background in the bovine pic is far out!
Another vote for the beautiful brown eyed girl! And what a cute plushy.
Oh, and, what breed of cattle is that? An Adora Bull?
(03-23-2023, 10:36 PM)davidd Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, and, what breed of cattle is that? An Adora Bull?
Quote:An Adora Bull?
Week thirteen
March is a slog... maybe I'll manage to take a picture that isn't in my house/ backyard in April...
Aw, she's cute!
Love the little glimpse of the arch eyebrow and the side-eye.
So climbing March Hill isn't just a thing in
Maine, then.
What a cutie! She looks tough!
If this bird is any indication, then England still swings, baby!
This pic reminds me of the days when Little Me thought everything about England was cool.
I don't suppose anyone else remembers watching a TV show for kids called "The Double Deckers," huh? About a group of English kids whose clubhouse was an abandoned double-decker bus?
Week fourteen
In which we finally venture into the
front yard...
OMG look at your forsythia!! Mine's not even thinking about waking up yet!
She looks cheerful -- who wouldn't be, with sunshine and flowers springing. I wish I had her lovely blonde hair.
I agree with Alliecat about the two-toned blonde hair being lovely.
And I agree with Alliecat about seeing colorful flowers blooming in profusion being exciting.
The pink color really pops in the spring sunshine!
Week fifteen
Annual appearance of the Easter wreath.
Wow! That's really cool!
But... how do you string eggs on a wreath? Are they real eggs? Candy eggs? Either way, how is it done?
She's cute. I like that tousled, unkempt blonde hair. And the lively glint in her eye!
They're fake eggs (some kind of plastic?), glued to the wreath.
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