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Took pictures both weeks, just never got around to posting...

Week eleven

[Image: 117998244_9b4d8804f7bcc2d5dea9fedafca925ac_large.jpg]

Week twelve

[Image: 118494265_d1a90df7e29dd8d4f5b6241b545870fc_large.jpg]
The brown-eyed girl is lovely!

The background in the bovine pic is far out!
Another vote for the beautiful brown eyed girl! And what a cute plushy.
Oh, and, what breed of cattle is that? An Adora Bull?
(03-23-2023, 10:36 PM)davidd Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, and, what breed of cattle is that? An Adora Bull?

Quote:An Adora Bull?


Week thirteen
March is a slog... maybe I'll manage to take a picture that isn't in my house/ backyard in April...

[Image: 118764513_e960f9740fc4607d342d08bf2a63bff7_large.jpg]
Aw, she's cute!
Love the little glimpse of the arch eyebrow and the side-eye.
So climbing March Hill isn't just a thing in Maine, then.
What a cutie! She looks tough!
If this bird is any indication, then England still swings, baby!

This pic reminds me of the days when Little Me thought everything about England was cool.

I don't suppose anyone else remembers watching a TV show for kids called "The Double Deckers," huh? About a group of English kids whose clubhouse was an abandoned double-decker bus?
Week fourteen
In which we finally venture into the front yard...

[Image: 119096442_a6707485e46eabbabf280e76ae98cd37_large.jpg]
OMG look at your forsythia!! Mine's not even thinking about waking up yet! Cry
She looks cheerful -- who wouldn't be, with sunshine and flowers springing. I wish I had her lovely blonde hair.
I agree with Alliecat about the two-toned blonde hair being lovely.

And I agree with Alliecat about seeing colorful flowers blooming in profusion being exciting.

The pink color really pops in the spring sunshine!
Week fifteen
Annual appearance of the Easter wreath.

[Image: 119082476_93fe8e8ec3033e6edc370e84ba9db9d2_large.jpg]
Wow! That's really cool!

But... how do you string eggs on a wreath? Are they real eggs? Candy eggs? Either way, how is it done?
She's cute. I like that tousled, unkempt blonde hair. And the lively glint in her eye!
They're fake eggs (some kind of plastic?), glued to the wreath.
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