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Abby's Moving Out... - Printable Version

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Abby's Moving Out... - bellalee - 03-20-2009

These are the very last photos of my beloved two Dals and I couldn't resist sharing them...

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Abby: I'm moving to Scotland!
Penny: NOOOOOOO! Why?
Abby: Because there is this lovely girl that has lots of pink dolls and wants to adopt me
Penny: Thats a stupid reason, pink sucks!
Abby: It does not, your just jealous because I have the pink hat
Penny: *sulks*

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Penny: Well can I have your rabbit ears?
Abby: Nope, nor my carebears, they are all coming with me!!!

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Abby: You can have my white hat though
Penny: Aww thanks!

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Penny: I'm going to miss you, you are like my bestest friend EVER!
Abby: I will miss you too!!! *hugs*

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Penny: Oh check out her email...
Abby: I don't think we're supposed to be reading her email, Penny.
Penny: Don't be a goody-goody. It says I'm going to the Netherlands... Wow!

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Penny: Sssh! Maybe if we hide in the same box we'll go to the same home together!
Abby: Penny I don't think that will work!

Me: P-E-N-N-Y!!!!!!!!!!!

And, just a big thankyou to the wonderful people adopting my Dals. It has made parting with them a lot easier.

- Dawn - 03-20-2009

Ooh, I feel sad that I'm partially responsible for breaking up this friendship. I wouldn't mind at all if Abby hid in Penny's box and came with her wink

- Dianaka3 - 03-20-2009

Awww how cute! smile

- Ollyodd - 03-20-2009

awww its soo sad!! but cute too hehe

- obviouszebra - 03-22-2009

I just bought Abby an adorable little welcome dress and some shoes <3

Aw, it is sad that they will be apart, but I'm sure they will love their new friends too! ^-^

- Dawn - 03-23-2009

I'm sure they will obviouszebra smile
I haven't bought Penny a welcome dress yet, because I love what she's wearing and am hoping she can share clothes with the Blythe girls. I did buy her an Abby-substitute-friend though: a Monomono Dal grin

- obviouszebra - 03-26-2009

Mar 22 2009, 10:04 AM
I'm sure they will obviouszebra smile
I haven't bought Penny a welcome dress yet, because I love what she's wearing and am hoping she can share clothes with the Blythe girls. I did buy her an Abby-substitute-friend though: a Monomono Dal grin
Heehee, I just use any old excuse to buy new stuff!! Terrible, I know! <img src=" />

Aw, thats so cute, two new girls together! Hopefully I'll have my new custom finished for Abby's arrival! <3

RE: Abby's Moving Out... - TrueFan - 07-26-2011

Aw, sad but cute. I hope they love their new homes and new friends!