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Oh Great Doggy God ^^ (custom Nina & custom Monmono) - Printable Version

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Oh Great Doggy God ^^ (custom Nina & custom Monmono) - Luffygirl - 11-26-2009

This was taking some time ago but I want to post it.

So Before I went on my trip to Gatlinburg I had a little photo shot around my parents house. Alena was goofing around on the computer.
[Image: IMG_2990.jpg]

as was Psyrin
[Image: IMG_2992.jpg]

little internet moochers is what they are
[Image: IMG_2993.jpg]

so anyways Alena decided to please the local god by making a making an offering
[Image: IMG_2983.jpg]

Oh, what do you know. He actully decided to make an appearance.
[Image: IMG_2985.jpg]

But will he take the offering?
[Image: IMG_2986.jpg]

oh yes and the order of the land is is restored LOL
[Image: IMG_2987.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2973.jpg]

T-T Its been about two months now since his was killed while my mother and I where away at Girl Scout camp. T-T We are still in morning.

However my mom has managed to get herself a puppy to help ease the pain. His name is "Dinky"

RE: Oh Great Doggy God ^^ (custom Nina & custom Monmono) - franklymydear - 11-26-2009

That's so sad! Is it too painful if I ask what happened? [with your dog.] (Also, I'm not a big fan of Girl Scout Camps in general because of bad experiences so I'm with you there.)

Your dolls looks precious and so does Lil Wuf. Internet moochers. That made me giggle.

RE: Oh Great Doggy God ^^ (custom Nina & custom Monmono) - Luffygirl - 11-26-2009

Well, what happened is that he was being doggy-sat at his freinds/ groomers place. He was following him around everywhere (outside) when a blue van (that looked just like his mommy's, my moms) went by. He missed his mommy and chased after it. The guy tried to call him back but was not fast enough... The car behind him... I think you can figure out the rest...

Anyways mom recived the call while we where doing an activiy with our girls ( im the coleader, moms the leader) we had to walk away for alittle while.

(11-26-2009, 07:18 AM)franklymydear Wrote: That's so sad! Is it too painful if I ask what happened? [with your dog.] (Also, I'm not a big fan of Girl Scout Camps in general because of bad experiences so I'm with you there.)

Your dolls looks precious and so does Lil Wuf. Internet moochers. That made me giggle.

RE: Oh Great Doggy God ^^ (custom Nina & custom Monmono) - Luffygirl - 11-30-2009

sorry its a sad story

RE: Oh Great Doggy God ^^ (custom Nina & custom Monmono) - Leannarchy - 11-30-2009

I'm so sorry, I know exactly how you feel. I had a pomeranian/chihuahua named pig, and he really meant everything to me. One day while I was out, my roommates left the front door open and he ran out and was hit by a car. Luckily, he had puppies with my friend's dog before he died and I now have one of his kid's. It was over a year ago but it's still really painful to think about.

on a lighter note, your pomeranian is adorable!

RE: Oh Great Doggy God ^^ (custom Nina & custom Monmono) - Luffygirl - 11-30-2009

yes he was. He will deeply be missed. Im sorry bout you little boy but you were lucky enough to have little ones to make up for it

RE: Oh Great Doggy God ^^ (custom Nina & custom Monmono) - Soshi - 11-30-2009

That is so cute!

RE: Oh Great Doggy God ^^ (custom Nina & custom Monmono) - aquiverfull - 11-30-2009

I really like the "internet moochers" LOL. So sorry to hear about your doggy. sad

RE: Oh Great Doggy God ^^ (custom Nina & custom Monmono) - Luffygirl - 12-01-2009

Thank you for the comments

RE: Oh Great Doggy God ^^ (custom Nina & custom Monmono) - caramelaw - 12-02-2009

I'm sorry for your lost too. I myself is a pomeranian lover.I have 3 of them but 2 passed away from old age. I feel your pain! sad

I love Alena's eyes by the way.SO blue and very dreamy...

RE: Oh Great Doggy God ^^ (custom Nina & custom Monmono) - Luffygirl - 12-02-2009


I custom did her eyes. She is my oc and i'm very sad that I have to sell her