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A new doll! And some new family and friends pics! - Printable Version

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A new doll! And some new family and friends pics! - kaoskat - 11-03-2010

Ok, giving me tracking numbers is not a good thing. lol I obsess over them. And once it says it in my town, I make my hubby crazy because I can't stop looking outside every 5 minutes and declaring that the delivery people are far too slow. All day I've been waiting for her. I'd decided to call her Kairi or Kaira but when she got here she became Kaori. *shrugs* They really don't let me choose so well. Anyway, here she is! Oh and I need to get her a new wig. I love the color but I've had my fill of maintaining curls after Zoey and Sakura. They look awesome, but take far too much time and care. Can anyone recommend a color that's similar and a place to get it?

[Image: Kaori.jpg]
[Image: Kaori2.jpg]
[Image: Kaori3.jpg]

The sisters: Anyabelle, Sakura, Little Kat, Zoey, Alyssa, & Ashley
[Image: AnyabelleSakuraLittleKatZoeyAlyssaAshley.jpg]

Brother & sisters: Kona, Kaori, & Alice
[Image: KonaKaoriAlice.jpg]

Best friends:
Sakura & Kaori
[Image: SakuraKaori.jpg]

Sayuri, Sakura, & Kaori
[Image: SayuriSakuraKaori.jpg]

Kona & Cain
[Image: KonaCain2.jpg]

Boyfriend and girlfriend:
Kona & Zoey
[Image: KonaZoey.jpg]

Cain will have a sister eventually but she's not here yet.

RE: A new doll! And some new family and friends pics! - kuronekohime - 11-03-2010

She has the same eye chips as Hermine! She's so cute tho! <3

RE: A new doll! And some new family and friends pics! - GreyBird1881 - 11-03-2010

She is adorable! Congrats on a new family member!

RE: A new doll! And some new family and friends pics! - ZennaBug - 11-04-2010

She's a cutie smile