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Pullip Gothic Lolita Yuki Chan - Printable Version

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Pullip Gothic Lolita Yuki Chan - mollylinn - 08-15-2012

Hi! I have some questions:

I have just purshased a Yuki Chan (film version, as seen here: in great condition from her first owner. I know she is limited to 300 and sold out and I have seen her on ebay for $299,99 and up to $599(!) I've seen several pullips listed for insane prices on ebay though, and I just wanted to check what you think she is worth. Also I've been thinking about selling her full stock. I realize this would bring her value down a lot if I should decide to sell her later, but I'm planning to keep her and I'm not much for keeping my dolls in their stock clothes. Yuki's boots and skirt is really lovely though.. smile

So: Dolls value with full stock? Value of full stock?

RE: Pullip Gothic Lolita Yuki Chan - redstars - 08-16-2012

From what I've seen she's been going for $200-$250 full stock.

Her stock I've seen up for $60 but I'm not sure if it actually sold for that. Hope that helps. smile

RE: Pullip Gothic Lolita Yuki Chan - mollylinn - 08-16-2012

Thank you! It helps to know I didn't pay to much for her and I didn't think the usual 60/40 or 50/50 for the doll and stock would apply. I might try to get $60 for her stock.

RE: Pullip Gothic Lolita Yuki Chan - redstars - 08-17-2012

No problem! smile More expensive dolls like Yuki I don't usually find go for the 60/40 or 50/50 just because nobody I've seen is willing to pay $100+ for a stock. xD

RE: Pullip Gothic Lolita Yuki Chan - mollylinn - 08-28-2012

Another question; how about if I sell most of her stock. I would like to keep her boots and socks. What would be a fair price for the rest of her stock (umbrella, dress, corset, two skirts, hair thing and stand)?