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Lena Elena Middie - Printable Version

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Lena Elena Middie - TrueFan - 10-07-2013

I colorfasted her stock after I took these. My plan is to pair her with a factory Blythe (on her way - we'll see whether their hair matches since I thought Lena Elena's hair was browner!) and give them both freckles.
Lena Elena 1

Lena Elena 2

The good news is she can wear Secretdoll Person clothing, which this is, so probably Lati Yellow stuff too.
Lena Elena 3

She's a cutie!
Lena Elena 4

RE: Lena Elena Middie - Cornflower Blue - 10-07-2013

Adorable outfit! Is that WellerMade? Mine's currently in a Halloween outfit I made for Odeco and that fits fairly well.

RE: Lena Elena Middie - TrueFan - 10-07-2013

Yes. WellerMade made me matching outfits for my Dal and Secretdoll Person.

RE: Lena Elena Middie - ladywindsor - 10-07-2013

Aww so cute! Custom freckles idea even cuter.
You can always put a wig on her, size 7-8.

My Lena should be arriving soon.
I got her because she had red hair.
I like that Lati Yellow clothing can fit both Middies and Odecos.

RE: Lena Elena Middie - beajjai033 - 10-07-2013

I love her stock smile

RE: Lena Elena Middie - KiraKira - 10-08-2013

She's adorable. I'm sure she'll be even more so with freckles.

RE: Lena Elena Middie - TrueFan - 10-08-2013

Yes, I think so!

RE: Lena Elena Middie - whimsu - 10-09-2013

Awwww, cutieee.
Blythes, why you gotta be so cute. D;