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Katoya - Printable Version

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Katoya - fishy - 03-18-2014

{I looked and looked for a Katoya thread in the pictionary, but I couldn't find one... Please forgive me if I overlooked it. It seems so odd that she doesn't appear to have one yet. Is it in the wrong place?

[Image: 8554533308_94036d2401.jpg]

RE: Katoya - fishy - 08-20-2015

Kai and Misty in their geek lair.

[Image: 15471930852_b58542d1db.jpg]

RE: Katoya - DeadlyNova - 08-20-2015

I didn't even realize there was a pictionary section on here. @_@ Much less that Katoya didn't have one!

Here are my twin Katoyas, Persephone and Ash! <3

They both need more photos(and another one together since they are both finished), I'm surprised at least Persephone doesn't have more, she's one of my favorite dolls!

[Image: 19314115790_760faf46c7_z.jpg]Brat by Haley, on Flickr

[Image: 19491748881_904cee3b90_z.jpg]Ash by Haley, on Flickr
I feel bad that this is the only photo I have of Ash since he got his finalized look.....:/