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From Orlando to Nebraska! - Printable Version

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From Orlando to Nebraska! - PinkCow - 05-02-2014

Well, my husband has taken an exciting job as a traveling nurse, which means I, my two cats, my dog, and my dolls will be accompanying him across the entire continental United States, making three-month-long stops at various towns and cities so he can help where he's needed at the hospitals there. It's a great opportunity, and my girls are extra excited about seeing the country!

Our first stop is Nebraska! Of course, we started in Orlando, so it's gonna be a little bit of a trip.

Special 4

Day One - Saint Augustine, Florida

[Image: 14080981521_b3b447d116_z.jpg]
Lavender: Here we are in beautiful Saint Augustine!
Peppermint: Ready to go on some adventures!

[Image: 14061067806_b2e699efae_z.jpg]
Lavender: What do you want to do first?
Peppermint: Maybe we can go to the Fountain of Youth! Or the beach! Or Old City!

[Image: 13897583650_42e2c79eb6_z.jpg]
Peppermint: What are we waiting for? Let's go let's go!
me: Girls... you might want to wait just a sec...
Lavender: What do you mean?

[Image: 14084162395_561db74b5f_z.jpg]
me: It's raining... a LOT.
girls: Awww....

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day for exploration! LOL

RE: From Orlando to Nebraska! - MissMandyLynne - 05-02-2014

how cute - and its such an awesome thing that your husband is doing to help others!

RE: From Orlando to Nebraska! - KiraKira - 05-02-2014

How cool! Your girls will certainly be two well-traveled dolls! I look forward to more photos--hopefully it will stop raining!

RE: From Orlando to Nebraska! - FishiesGoPook - 05-03-2014

YAY NEBRASKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

loooooooooooooooooove nebraska, my bf is from Lincoln smile but he hauled bum up here (over here? lol) to michigan

RE: From Orlando to Nebraska! - PinkCow - 05-03-2014

I'm looking forward to seeing Nebraska for the first time--and I'm sure the doll family will have a lot to see there too! grin

RE: From Orlando to Nebraska! - FishiesGoPook - 05-03-2014

one thing you REALLY need to do is I-80, middle of NOWHERE, on a cloudless night ... the stars are BLINDING!!!!!!!! and in the day you can see the curvature of the sky its so flat, and if you're out there when a storm rolls in ... wowza ... i could sit out there forever and never not enjoy it lol