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New wig! - Printable Version

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New wig! - AliceMR - 07-10-2014

Yesterday I couldn't help but take Aspen and Laurel out for a quick picture to test out the new wig! The pink and blonde looks nice but the site I bought it from made it look like the length would be a bit longer sad
Also, I think I like Laurel with her hair in a bun!
[Image: imagejpg1-4.jpg]

Thought I would post this picture of Emma as well, it was taken on a trail nearby yay
[Image: imagejpg1-6.jpg]

RE: New wig! - martah - 07-10-2014

They look very pretty with their new wigs and Emma is adorable. smile

RE: New wig! - AliceMR - 07-11-2014

Thanks yay I'm glad I decided to replace Aspen's old wig, it was pulling her head in really weird directions on her obitsu!
It seems like in every photo I take of Emma she looks so shy! Maybe I should write that into her bio LOL

RE: New wig! - beajjai033 - 07-11-2014

Even tho it's short, I love Aspen's hair!
Is it okay to know where that wig is from? I kind of list ones that I fancy on Pullips Tongue It's quite different with co. photos as they model it on BJDs.

RE: New wig! - Little mouse - 07-11-2014

Add me to those who like the new wig on her.
It suits her very much (though I have no idea what she was wearing before! LOL!)

I also like that photo of Emma on the looks as if she is free-standing!