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Macaroon girl. - Printable Version

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Macaroon girl. - Brill - 01-21-2015

Recently I got some macaroons on ebay for my Yeolume. While she still won't tell me her name she has told me she was born in Korea to a Japanese mom and a Korean dad! Also she LOVES macaroons like me!

[Image: 16140308368_3420c41ea9.jpg]
Yeolume. by baobaodoll, on Flickr
[Image: 16301932206_3ca2fe57cf.jpg]
Yeolume. by baobaodoll, on Flickr

Feel free to add me on flickr! smile I'm also making a Instagram soon for her. I just need her to tell me her name!

RE: Macaroon girl. - Tinnu - 01-21-2015

What a lucky doll to have so many tasty macaroons smile I hope you get her name sorted soon, it's great to find the name that finally clicks!

RE: Macaroon girl. - oonyaoo - 01-21-2015

She's so cute! ;w;

RE: Macaroon girl. - PullipPrincess - 01-21-2015

Adorable! I love the little macarons you got for her! I also hope you figure out a nice name for her soon! It's a lot of fun thinking of names and then finding that perfect one. smile

RE: Macaroon girl. - Nekoshoujo - 01-21-2015

aw such a cute little nameless girl. Those macaroons are so tiny and cute! what a nice present for her <3

RE: Macaroon girl. - martah - 01-26-2015

She looks adorable in the second picture! I also added you on Flickr. smile

RE: Macaroon girl. - Ilili - 01-27-2015

Funny, my name is Yeolume happens Macaron ^^
it's cute .

RE: Macaroon girl. - Missy_Crane - 01-27-2015

Ahh! I love that second photo, she looks all 'you are totally not sharing these, they're all mine' xD Heart 2

RE: Macaroon girl. - Little mouse - 01-30-2015

She is just so adorable........any luck with the name finding yet?