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    Thread: General chat thread for Monster High
Post: RE: General chat thread for Monster High

I see. Thanks for this. i used cleaning alcohol 99% and if its to slow i dip a magic eraser in the alcohol and used both together for my other dolls ^^
Steffipuschel Monster High 85 146,719 07-27-2015, 04:16 PM
    Thread: General chat thread for Monster High
Post: RE: General chat thread for Monster High

Im normally not a big fan of monster high dolls. They are cute and thats all.. but when i saw these huge frightfully tall dolls i was interested ^^ I will wait until i find clawden. Goliope or so is a...
Steffipuschel Monster High 85 146,719 07-24-2015, 04:22 PM
    Thread: Steffipuschels Faceups
Post: RE: Steffipuschels Faceups

Thank you. I first wasn't so happy with the finished Yuki but now I've gave her another wig and she is so pretty..
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 8 9,586 07-24-2015, 07:07 AM
    Thread: Steffipuschels Faceups
Post: RE: Steffipuschels Faceups

Thank you all for ypur lovely comments. it was a lot of work. I hope they will stay nice a long time even if i used msc..
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 8 9,586 07-21-2015, 04:11 PM
    Thread: Steffipuschels Faceups
Post: Steffipuschels Faceups

I have to redo all my customs because the sealer gets yellow.. Niji, she was rescued.. her lips and nose was filed and she had massive yellowing.
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 8 9,586 07-19-2015, 11:58 PM
    Thread: Trying MidAir Looking Photography
Post: RE: Trying MidAir Looking Photography

Yes interested too.. I thought about using these thin strings you use for fishing, but I didn't got someone who hold the doll for me ^^
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 16 19,721 05-07-2015, 02:44 AM
    Thread: Miku LOL Version
Post: RE: Miku LOL Version

Hmm the normal Miku is not sold out and her face is nearly the same. The only thing that makes her special are her 2 gorgeous outfits. So I guess she should be about 70$ like a normal nude doll. Maybe...
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends Price Check 2 4,896 03-27-2015, 04:33 PM
    Thread: Nude Nostalgic Merl
Post: RE: Nude Nostalgic Merl

She is for 103 complete on pullipstyle. Normally you split 60% for the doll and 40 for the outfit. so about 60$ or less depending on her condition.
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends Price Check 2 5,640 02-07-2015, 06:35 PM
    Thread: Show your new Doll!
Post: RE: Show your new Doll!

Congratz. Super stella has a really pretty faceup. Veritas is so cute..
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 2,634 3,957,453 01-31-2015, 04:22 AM
    Thread: Handmade doll props Update 7/6/2016
Post: RE: Handmade doll props

Yummy. looks really cool..
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 82 137,084 01-30-2015, 03:22 PM
    Thread: Show your new Doll!
Post: RE: Show your new Doll!

Thank you so much.. I'm so sad.. gotta work and it is snowing outside.. wanna take fotos... mew... But someone has to earn the money for their shoes :-)
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 2,634 3,957,453 01-30-2015, 03:22 PM
    Thread: Show your new Doll!
Post: RE: Show your new Doll!

I made a big order... Serenity, Rosalind and Keikuyjaku I m sooo happy. Never got so much at once ^^
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 2,634 3,957,453 01-30-2015, 06:14 AM
    Thread: Introducing Amethyst, My MIO Pullip!
Post: RE: Introducing Amethyst, My MIO Pullip!

She is really pretty. Her wig is so pretty and matches her so well.
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 47 84,851 11-27-2014, 05:15 AM
    Thread: Remembering those summer days
Post: RE: Remembering those summer days

She is so horgeous. The pic is like a mix of summer and autumn. Really beautyful
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 7 10,013 11-27-2014, 05:13 AM
    Thread: My Faves ❤
Post: RE: My Faves ❤

Your girls are so pretty. Normally im not a big Dal fan but with this brown wig and the dress she is soo pretty *-* And your brh is also really pretty
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 13 18,190 11-27-2014, 05:11 AM
    Thread: Steffis Pullips - new Wigs
Post: RE: Steffis Pullips - new Wigs

Thank you allicat. This is romatic alices dress
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 84 112,736 11-16-2014, 06:28 PM
    Thread: Steffis Pullips - new Wigs
Post: RE: Steffis Pullips - new Wigs

Thank you. Yeah it is melissa with thr phoenix wig from ebay. But i cutted the bangs. They make me nuts.. yes i made suis and Nijis eye chips.
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 84 112,736 11-16-2014, 03:23 PM
    Thread: Daesani & Petra in the woods
Post: RE: Daesani & Petra in the woods

Aww so cute. Lace alert^^ they are really beautyful.
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 6 9,463 11-16-2014, 03:20 PM
    Thread: Steffis Pullips - new Wigs
Post: RE: Steffis Pullips - new Wigs

Thank you Oh I posted long time no new pictures I made some "sweet" pics
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 84 112,736 11-16-2014, 04:37 AM
    Thread: camouflage's feedback
Post: RE: camouflage's feedback

I had to give a neutral feedback. Contact was very nice and shipping very fast, but the pullip came with a wobbly had. I take a look at her neck and it was melted really bad. After file the melting a...
Steffipuschel Feedback 46 64,789 10-06-2014, 02:53 PM
    Thread: Veritas
Post: RE: Veritas

I saw her for about 60€ with a different wig and earrings and some shiny marks and she didnt sell. But maybe because of the earrings.
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends Price Check 2 5,092 10-04-2014, 04:19 AM
    Thread: Kirsche
Post: RE: Kirsche

Last time i saw her nude was for about 80-100$ because she is sold out
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends Price Check 4 7,743 09-29-2014, 07:03 PM
    Thread: Stica
Post: RE: Stica

Stica is new at pullipstyle for $84.00. Maybe this helps you
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends Price Check 5 8,839 09-29-2014, 07:02 PM
    Thread: Show your new Doll!
Post: RE: Show your new Doll!

Aww.. my pretty romantic Alice arrived
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 2,634 3,957,453 09-20-2014, 04:02 AM
    Thread: KiraKira's glass cabochon eyechips
Post: RE: KiraKira's glass cabochon eyechips

Thanks for your replys. Yesterday I tried the glas chips on my Souseiseki (Type 3) and they fit definitely better. The gap is not that big. But I'm lazy and don't clean they eyemech 100% so you see t...
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 38 85,714 08-19-2014, 02:25 PM
    Thread: KiraKira's glass cabochon eyechips
Post: RE: KiraKira's glass cabochon eyechips

I try to made my own eyechips. I bought 12 mm glass cabochons on etsy but there is a huuuuge gab. is this normal? Ive heard that Ty...
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 38 85,714 08-18-2014, 05:18 AM
    Thread: Bloody Red Hood Lolii Version
Post: RE: Bloody Red Hood Lolii Version

Congrats.. she is really cute.
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 8 14,283 06-23-2014, 11:56 PM
    Thread: Steffis Pullips - new Wigs
Post: RE: Steffis Pullips - new Wigs

Yesterday I sewed a lot her are my best results.. Cupcake dress Owl dress
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 84 112,736 06-21-2014, 09:59 PM
    Thread: The new Meg, & Jake in his skinny jeans!
Post: RE: The new Meg, & Jake in his skinny jeans!

Oh she is so sweet. Her freckles looks so natural. Really cute
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 17 20,710 06-21-2014, 09:57 PM
    Thread: PSA from the future
Post: RE: PSA from the future

OMG, is this diletante? She looks so tough and cool.
Steffipuschel Pullip and Friends 6 10,209 06-15-2014, 04:26 PM