01-13-2015, 11:36 PM
Chihiro, you got such a great deal on your Maretti! She's adorable!
Severity, those eyechips on your Byul Tiger Lily look really pretty on her! Can't wait to see what she'll look like once you're completely finished with her! <3
Chyntia, oh my gosh! Eee~! You got Super Stella!!! x3 I love Super Stella so very much! Don't you think she looks so much prettier in person?

Severity, those eyechips on your Byul Tiger Lily look really pretty on her! Can't wait to see what she'll look like once you're completely finished with her! <3
Chyntia, oh my gosh! Eee~! You got Super Stella!!! x3 I love Super Stella so very much! Don't you think she looks so much prettier in person?