Poppy and Hermione show off their new frocks (lots of pics)
Its been a while since I took any photos of my girls (bad me frown) but I'm trying to pay a bit more attention to them and some of them have had some new chips and/or wigs and have had a couple of new frocks bought for them Happy

So whilst these are not great artistic photos LOL I wanted to show off a couple of them now they're all dolled up LOL

Hermione had a broken eye mech and had gone somewhat cross eyed so I fixed that and gave her some new chips and a pretty spring floral dress

[Image: her2_1.png]

[Image: her1.png]

After a couple of different wigs and chip combinations Poppy has finally settled on having bright red hair and green eyes Happy So here she is rocking her new look with a cute balloon print dress

[Image: pop1.png]

[Image: pop2.png]

And the girls together

[Image: HampP1.png]

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Poppy and Hermione show off their new frocks (lots of pics) - by Lily Eyre - 08-14-2015, 02:09 AM

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