03-26-2013, 05:02 PM
So I've been here for a few months now.. And I figure its about time you met all my dolls......
Sorry for the poor quality, i really reaaaally need to find the cord to my camera so i can upload non-phone photos D:
Lets start with my (mostly) unaltered dolls, then we'll move down to my customs..
Here are my twin girls Milch and Lipoca. I never gave them their own names.. I just call them the twins
They've been rechipped

Milch recently got a new wig to match her sister :3

Next there's my Bloodyred hood whom I just call Red. Shes wearing Chill's wig because hers stock wig was suchh bad quality

heres me Merl, who i refuse to name until i fix her bangs! Her packaging made them stick up and im too scared to fix them! Shes been rechipped though and i love it c:

heres my Hednar, unaltered. and my Zuora.. Zuora has been rechipped and rewigged.. Shes my only doll i never really bonded with and i might sell her soon. She is secondhand.

This is my Custom Chelsea. I bought her pre-owed, those eyebrows did me in and I could not resist D: I've named her Bleu (because im creative). And her boyfriend is an unaltered Natsume.

Heres my one Byul. I painted full lips on her to make her less fishy. I loved everything about her but her mouth.. now i love all of her!! the Mylittlepetshop dog shes holding is custom too! my best friend painted it for me to look like my own Wiener dog, Miles! x3

These three, in order left to right are Damien, Maris, and Halin. The only one whos truly been customized is Halin. They were oraginaly Tantus, Neo Noir, and butler. Damien desperately needs a new wig.. Maris and Halin were my first two dolls. Damien was secondhand

The last of my majorly unaltered dolls are my two isuls. Soon I hope to get the new madhatter stock for one, and make a cheshire cat costume for the other! Mori is secondhand.
Also! i didnt photograph her, but I have Regen-Alice! Shes sitting somewhere away from the rest so she didnt get included in the photoshoot! I adore the wonderland series's. all of themm x3

So onto my customs.. Oh boy.
This is my custom Dal, formally gloomy. Shes still in progress so i just threw her in Xiao Fan's stock so she wouldn't be bald and naked for you guys D:
I intend to make her some more elfish attire, but just haven't gotten around to it..I bought her secondhand with a broken arm so now shes on an obitsu!

Next theres Florence. Oraginally chill. Her faceup has been modified. She was my first true custom so shes a little rough around the edges. I may go back and fix her sometime. Shes on a large bust obitsu @_@ This picture is older, all her hands now have black nail polish c: Chill was secondhand, her original body had sooo much staining!

These two are my absolute favorites. Owen and Amelia. I love them to death!.. Though others may find them creepy.. They're original characters ive had for a few years and once i got into pullips I had to make them! Amelia was originally Xiao Fan bought cheap at a convention, while owen is a secondhand Seiran. also! amelia is on a 25 cm obitsu making her reaal short! but not quite dal short!

Lastly my most recent custom, Faye. Shes full custom, none of her factory makeup remains. Her body is a combo of two obitsus. Shes a character of mine who is a ghost, and is missing an eye. this isnt her final outfit, and her headband will be different, but the doll its self is complete

I think i have 21 dolls but could of miscounted.
Hopefully you enjoyed learning about my dolls and my customs didn't scare you too much!
and sorry if my spelling is awful, this took way longer than i thought it would and now its so late @A@
Sorry for the poor quality, i really reaaaally need to find the cord to my camera so i can upload non-phone photos D:
Lets start with my (mostly) unaltered dolls, then we'll move down to my customs..
Here are my twin girls Milch and Lipoca. I never gave them their own names.. I just call them the twins

Milch recently got a new wig to match her sister :3

Next there's my Bloodyred hood whom I just call Red. Shes wearing Chill's wig because hers stock wig was suchh bad quality

heres me Merl, who i refuse to name until i fix her bangs! Her packaging made them stick up and im too scared to fix them! Shes been rechipped though and i love it c:

heres my Hednar, unaltered. and my Zuora.. Zuora has been rechipped and rewigged.. Shes my only doll i never really bonded with and i might sell her soon. She is secondhand.

This is my Custom Chelsea. I bought her pre-owed, those eyebrows did me in and I could not resist D: I've named her Bleu (because im creative). And her boyfriend is an unaltered Natsume.

Heres my one Byul. I painted full lips on her to make her less fishy. I loved everything about her but her mouth.. now i love all of her!! the Mylittlepetshop dog shes holding is custom too! my best friend painted it for me to look like my own Wiener dog, Miles! x3

These three, in order left to right are Damien, Maris, and Halin. The only one whos truly been customized is Halin. They were oraginaly Tantus, Neo Noir, and butler. Damien desperately needs a new wig.. Maris and Halin were my first two dolls. Damien was secondhand

The last of my majorly unaltered dolls are my two isuls. Soon I hope to get the new madhatter stock for one, and make a cheshire cat costume for the other! Mori is secondhand.
Also! i didnt photograph her, but I have Regen-Alice! Shes sitting somewhere away from the rest so she didnt get included in the photoshoot! I adore the wonderland series's. all of themm x3

So onto my customs.. Oh boy.
This is my custom Dal, formally gloomy. Shes still in progress so i just threw her in Xiao Fan's stock so she wouldn't be bald and naked for you guys D:
I intend to make her some more elfish attire, but just haven't gotten around to it..I bought her secondhand with a broken arm so now shes on an obitsu!

Next theres Florence. Oraginally chill. Her faceup has been modified. She was my first true custom so shes a little rough around the edges. I may go back and fix her sometime. Shes on a large bust obitsu @_@ This picture is older, all her hands now have black nail polish c: Chill was secondhand, her original body had sooo much staining!

These two are my absolute favorites. Owen and Amelia. I love them to death!.. Though others may find them creepy.. They're original characters ive had for a few years and once i got into pullips I had to make them! Amelia was originally Xiao Fan bought cheap at a convention, while owen is a secondhand Seiran. also! amelia is on a 25 cm obitsu making her reaal short! but not quite dal short!

Lastly my most recent custom, Faye. Shes full custom, none of her factory makeup remains. Her body is a combo of two obitsus. Shes a character of mine who is a ghost, and is missing an eye. this isnt her final outfit, and her headband will be different, but the doll its self is complete

I think i have 21 dolls but could of miscounted.
Hopefully you enjoyed learning about my dolls and my customs didn't scare you too much!
and sorry if my spelling is awful, this took way longer than i thought it would and now its so late @A@