02-08-2015, 10:42 AM
(02-04-2015, 10:24 AM)Kyubi09 Wrote: My "new" Gloomy. Bought for replacement parts (thus she is missing her arm, which went to another girl) but going to be a special project doll to make into something special and unique. Her (current) name is Random Frequent Flier Dent, because I am a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy nerd, and well... she is very Random. Thanks go to Goldenafternoon for Gloomy, and Sakana_Hime for the 2 skirts and Kitty ears that make up her wardrobe, which came in on the same day, making her randomly lucky and dressed as well.
Random Frequent Flyer Dent. AKA Tanpopo AKA Stumpy AKA Dal Gloomy by Kyubi09, on Flickr
That skirt is so cute as a dress! She looks great in it.