04-23-2016, 10:21 AM
congratulations everyone - all your new family members are beautiful.
DN, Hello Little Girl is one of my favourite Dals. I love what you did with her, you have an amazing eye for changing these dollies up
Sith is wonderful, he was the only Isul I owned once, a long long time ago.
offgenimi, your new Tiger Lily looks awesome in that wig! I loved her in the wig she wore at fishy's but this is the first TL I have seen in green hair and Wow
Can I ask a quick question? Someone on this forum had/has a Tiger Lily with a Kirsche-red plaits wig. The difference is that the plaits look smaller, thinner, placed closer together at the back of her head? and the head of the wig looks slightly ... more. I am shit at describing things, but I know I saw it and wanted it for my girl. If anyone can decipher my BS and knows of the doll, or owns the doll, please let me know where the wig came from or who to ask. Thanks guys
DN, Hello Little Girl is one of my favourite Dals. I love what you did with her, you have an amazing eye for changing these dollies up

offgenimi, your new Tiger Lily looks awesome in that wig! I loved her in the wig she wore at fishy's but this is the first TL I have seen in green hair and Wow

Can I ask a quick question? Someone on this forum had/has a Tiger Lily with a Kirsche-red plaits wig. The difference is that the plaits look smaller, thinner, placed closer together at the back of her head? and the head of the wig looks slightly ... more. I am shit at describing things, but I know I saw it and wanted it for my girl. If anyone can decipher my BS and knows of the doll, or owns the doll, please let me know where the wig came from or who to ask. Thanks guys

Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred