07-10-2019, 05:03 PM
That Violette looks really pretty! Congrats for the grab
I believe the 2st batch of Rozen Maiden dolls was inspired by the manga and first season of the anime, the 2nd really looks more like the 2013 edition of the anime instead. I prefer the first series in all aspects, they just seem to have more personality to me!

I believe the 2st batch of Rozen Maiden dolls was inspired by the manga and first season of the anime, the 2nd really looks more like the 2013 edition of the anime instead. I prefer the first series in all aspects, they just seem to have more personality to me!
Pullip: Secret Garden of White Witch - Helter Skelter Ririko - Cassie - Lupinus -PIMMAM
Isul: Yagen Toshiro
Pullip: Secret Garden of White Witch - Helter Skelter Ririko - Cassie - Lupinus -PIMMAM
Isul: Yagen Toshiro