Daily Photo Thread
[Image: 27500813361_a358e57cb2_z.jpg]
I split a Cheshire Cat with TrueFan and picked her up at PUDDLE from her. Since she was naked, I just had to buy her a new outfit from Little Lenie.LOL Here she is checking out the Tardis at the photo op table.
(06-11-2016, 04:46 AM)nerdygal123 Wrote: Ah! Fishy, I have a brown AI doll too! Her name is Natalia! How did you color yours?
[Image: 27308622620_9c89eb9fd3.jpg]20160606_122338 by nerdygal123, on Flickr

I used lots of sealant, lots of pastels, and lots of layers.

The recommended "application with brushes" didn't work for me, so I just gave up and started smearing the pastels on with my fingers, and then I sealed those off. >_<; (Pimniq says hello, Natalia!) smile
fishy and nerdygal123 your Ais are so cute! Heart
Your colored Ai-dolls remind me of the doll I used to have. I made him before there was tan dolls available, might have been Nahh-ato, but not a tan Taeyang.

Mine looked like this:
[Image: DSCF2837.jpg]

He is painted with spray paint, and you can see the joints chipping on him. But aren't Ai-dolls stringed? If they are you could (hot glue) suede the joints, I assume it could help on the chipping not happen so easily. smile

Heh, I have a looot of panties, short shorts and so on for my dolls. I would prefer everyone to have something, bloomers if nothing else. Usually I don't put panties under pants because it comes thicker. Especially if I take the dolls into a meetup I check that everyone has panties! Tongue

Haint Blue: I actually liked the older eyes better too on her.
And yeah, I have same as DeadlyNova, hard chips usually pop out easily, rubber ones need more, usually I just end up cutting them off from the edge of the eye since I can't get them off othervice "nicely."

Cornflower Blue: Congrats on your new doll, she is a cutie! Happy
Blog ^___^
congrats everyone smile CB, your Byul is breathtaking in that outfit Heart 2
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
CB, your Byul looks amazing!

[Image: 27308462210_da0c37e276.jpg]Wisp by Hayden, on Flickr
I didn't take any photos of my Ddalgi, Wisp, for a while, but I decided to today and I'm now so in love with her.
Pullip: Hoshi (Adsiltia), Yumi (Kirsche),  River (Hatsune Miku), Wisp (Ddalgi), Kokoro (Souseiseki), Akira (Youtsuzu), Rikke (Bloody Red Hood), Azul (Alice du Jardin Mint version), Vitalia (Henri), Autumn (Peter Pan), Lindsey (Lan Ake), Sacrifice (Ludmila), Kenzie (RIDa), Berry (Alte), Odette (Papin), Pandora (Mitzi), Charity Amora (Celsiy), Zell (Ayanami Rei), Kagami (Bonita), Morgana (Prunella), Misty (Marianne), Magenta (Kuhn), Madeleine (Papin), Laelynn (Clarity), Absinthe (Veritas), Gemma (Classical Alice Sepia), Xena (Froggy), Axel (Chill), Marina (Dita), Sage (Fanatica), Bella (Cornice), Hemlock (Kaela), Duckey (Aquel), Yu-jin (Classical Queen), Allie (Banshee), Kurumi (Chelsea), Juliet (Blanche), Missy (Custom Panda), Sienna (Cinciallegra), Harmony (Yuhwa), Winnie (Violetta). 
Taeyang: Roderick (Lead), Sephie (Richt), Balthazar (Arashi), Arius (Gyro), Lionel (Maguna), Rexus (Raiki), Kian (Sol),  Olivier (Captain Hook), Takashi (Natsume), João (Willy Wonka), Snow (Alfred), Fernando (Seiran), Rhapsody (Myufish Custom), Devon (Rayne), Daeo (Hash), Alistair (Kain), Kyo (Horizon), Torture (Pluto), Sackey (Romantic Mad Hatter), Florian (Cavalie).
Dal: Petra (Phoebe), Venom (Edge), Shane (Pinocchio), Maxx (Colline), Mariko (Tinkerbell), Hotaru (Lucia), Darya (Ra Muw), Sharpie (Hangry), Ste (Angry), Meiko (DeLorean), Haven (Lipoca), Roxie (Lunatic Alice).
Byul: Rowan-Alexis (Dumbo), Paradise (Paradis), Dusk (Tigerlily), Richie (Maya).
Isul: Scottie (Mao), Jessie (Tete), Kyla (Helios), Heidi (Duke).
Namu: Vince (Serpent).
[Image: 27553638016_abde015f46.jpg]
Nurse Joy! smile
[Image: 27585905595_088bcb486b.jpg]
My peacock mermaids are almost done..! smile
Oh wow! What beautiful mermaids @_@
Thanks! smile
[Image: 27567910986_8fec079746_b.jpg]What rainy afternoons are made for! by addiebabe (*˘︶˘*), on Flickr

[Image: 26991706624_887411011d_b.jpg]Outfit changes for everyone! by addiebabe (*˘︶˘*), on Flickr

Rainy days = dolly time!
Dolly collector and rerooter, rescuer of waifs and strays!!
My shiny pink cat little bjd art request is FINALLY done! ;__; https://flic.kr/s/aHskC1L5Vq
Everyone's dollies are so cute. <3 I'd be terrified to paint a doll myself, haha.

CB, I think you've made me fall in love with Cheshire Cat. I didn't think I needed another Byul but maybe I do.

[Image: 27331455390_04fb093498_z.jpg]Sister Selfie! by Haley, on Flickr
Sister selfie!
fishy, your tiny cat custom is absolutely gorgeous Heart 2 As for your peacock mermaids - especially the one on the left - speechless. Are they for you, or more requests? Your painting of doll's faces is amazing smile
DN, the sisters look - well, the older sis looks relaxed. I don't know that I have ever seen a relaxed Dal LOL
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
(06-12-2016, 10:30 AM)Miss Edith Wrote: fishy, your tiny cat custom is absolutely gorgeous Heart 2 As for your peacock mermaids - especially the one on the left - speechless. Are they for you, or more requests? Your painting of doll's faces is amazing smile
DN, the sisters look - well, the older sis looks relaxed. I don't know that I have ever seen a relaxed Dal LOL

Thanks! smile

The peacock mermaids are to sell, for my Etsy store. ^^; (Gotta pay those bills! ^^; ) I might list them here, too- I don't know, I haven't decided yet.

The Dal is the better off the two; I've easily spent over 8 hours on her, and maybe closer to 15... The Pullip's faceup isn't completely done yet, and I haven't bought her body or sewn their clothes yet... so much work to do. But I promise to post photos here when they're done! smile

I haven't decided on their eyechips yet- I was painting some for the Dal, but my cat ran off with one of them! :'(
DeadlyNova, your sisters are so sweet together! Is that older one Prunella? (I'm terrible at ID'ing Pullips!)
I can't wait to see them when they're done, fishy! <3 I hope you can figure out what to do about their eyes. D:

Thank you all for the comments on my girls. <3

@GreysPrincess: Yes, she is Prunella!

@Miss Edith: I don't think Dal can look relaxed. I think my Angry here looks like she just wants to get this photo over with!

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