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Quarantine20 Scavenger Hunt!!! ...The winners...!!! :D
[Image: cat.jpg]
The Werecat Twins Present: A Cat... Box

[Image: small_coin.jpg]
Angry Karate Guy Presents: A Small Denomination Coin

[Image: magnet.jpg]
Bratzillaz Sashabella Offers: A (wall o') Magnet(s)

[Image: reading_now.jpg]
The Pinkys Present: Currently Reading

[Image: from_another_country.jpg]
The Bratz Minis Have Found: Something From Another Country

[Image: freshly_baked.jpg]
Devil Girl Offers: Something Freshly Baked (and then hermetically sealed - Damned Fresh for All Eternity)

While I was working on a variety of projects today, Smart Doll Addie spent the afternoon rustling up some more finds for the Quarantine Scavenger Hunt:

[Image: map.jpg]
Oh, look! This MAP shows where I live!

[Image: house_number.jpg]
Not bad for a HOUSE NUMBER, huh?

[Image: addie_hat.jpg]
I wish I could find a J. Peterman Company 'Hemingway Fishing HAT' in my size!

[Image: old_thing.jpg]
I found some REALLY OLD THINGS on the ground: flint flakes from where the Indians made
their arrowheads and stone tools, and what looks like a grinding stone!

And finally...

[Image: purple_a.jpg]
Modeled by River Styxx
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Quarantine20 Scavenger Hunt!! Please join in and play! :D - by davidd - 04-27-2020, 02:08 PM

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