Puki's arrival box opening!
Puki came NFRB to me from twinkledoll last friday. She reached here a week earlier than I had expected her to! >_< she had received 1hr more of Hugs than any of my other girls so far Rb_x ... She has yet to receive a name but she is now with the happy family! hurrah

Dundundun! its here!
[Image: 5548839030_0c1ff33675.jpg]
Puki's arrival by Estrialis, on Flickr

I opened the wrapper and found the outer box
[Image: 5548263001_296ed2b7c2.jpg]
The Box! by Estrialis, on Flickr

Puki is all wrapped up
[Image: 5548271465_7d63862af5.jpg]
Its Puki! by Estrialis, on Flickr

As im sure everyone would do the same, I undressed her to check out her body and she was a little floppy which was the same as Claire. She took a whole hour to get back into her rabbit suit :3 and here she is, having some lettuce!
[Image: 5548861520_7aebf34f78.jpg]
I like Vegemables! by Estrialis, on Flickr

Puki with the rest of the family on their little pullip shelf :3, Ohh I haven't introduced Claire before either, she came to me early this month from an ebay seller who is also on this forum! She has yet to receive a name as well, but she will be receiving an obitsu, Hurrah!(then more piccys)
[Image: 5548952762_4c6b5561af.jpg]
The Happy Family by Estrialis, on Flickr
Congratulations on your new family member. Puki is adorable--I really like that picture of Puki with the lettuce. smile
Currently playing:  Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch
Friend Code 2036-6707-2961 (KiraKira)
Currently reading: If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha
Last movie I saw:  Parasite
isnt she adorable ?! yay Puki's are just too cute .
I also love the pic of her with the lettuce smile
Awww, she is so cute! yay ~~ I really want a Puki, she's such an awesome doll! grinD
Congrats! *__*
Huge congrats on her!
My dolls:Samara (Sfoglia), Mara (Custom), Corey (Seiran), Shizu (Yuki), Anomaly (Lunatic Alice), Aiden (Naomi), Sadie (Zuora),
Crimson (Lunatic Queen), Amalia (Elisabeth), Bloody Mary (Mir), Lana (Eos), Jareth (Sebastian), Dante (Butler), Tarja (Tiphona), Cassidy (Jaldet), Elliott (Naomi), Snookie (Chelsea), Lazulie (Another Alice), Silence (Regen Noir)
Puki is really so cute! She is more adorable in reality than the photos too! Im so happy to have chose her as my last Dal(for awhile, my promise to my bf that I will only get 2 of each type until we move to a new place)
Congrats on your new girl!!! The pic with the lettice is so cute!!!

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