Epic photo-shoot with my sister, Meg, & Fenn
mrsmarks, thank you! smile

Miss Edith, Do we? People say we look really similar but I don't see it much...poor girl, lol. Funnily enough, I'm not a teeny dog fan eitherm when I first saw her (she weighed 600grams when my mum got her) I said 'what the heck is that??', but she's really grown on me, she loves being around people & playing & cuddling <3 She's fast asleep on my lap at the minute under a blanket. haha, she has expensive taste! I need to make sure she's serious before I go spending the money though, I'd prefer it not to be a 5 minute fancy.

Chihiro, thaaanks! smile they each have their own sets of clothing to fit their individual looks/personalities.

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RE: Epic photo-shoot with my sister, Meg, & Fenn - by Lilcurly - 05-09-2011, 10:58 PM

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