Dolly patience is not my friend.... *Mao is on his way - also Naomi!!*
There is a 3rd, but she is for my little sister smile for her 18th birthday in July..... & yes, leaving a Pullip in box for 4+ months will be hard, but she's a Pullip I've never been interested in, so it should be ok - Ez picked her out herself a yr or so ago. She doesn't know she's getting her, so It will be a surprise. I have no idea if she'll even want to persue the hobby, but I thought I'd take the chance smile If she decides she doesn't want her I'll help her sell her & she can have the money instead.

I'm undecided on Mao at present, I keep thinking he'd be ridiculously cute as Jake's little brother :p & I'm thinking he might be called Sam.... but that's my ex's it kinda puts me off lol, I still think it would be lovely on him though. Only problem with him being Jake's little brother is that I'd want their eye chips & hair matching, & I'd planned blue eyes & brown hair for Mao.... which would mean I'd either have to change Jake's chips & hair, or re-think Mao to match Jake. Ok, I've decided he is going to be Sam lol, it's just very cute. So yeh! Undecided. He's going to be about 8 or 9 years old I think smile & into Spongebob square pants.


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RE: Dolly patience is not my friend.... *Mao is on his way!!* - by Lilcurly - 03-03-2013, 09:46 PM

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