Introducing, the one...the only...Divine Miss D!
Dita is soooo pretty, I bought her cheap on ebay as she was "imperfect", which was true, but not at all extreme. I thought she might be the one that I would try wiping all original faceup off, but I couldn't do it! She would look at me with those beautiful eyes, so I thought I would just enhance her good looks. The eyechips are "Sugar Crush" by KiraKira, and they look totally perfect on her! I think the unicorn is for Bratz, if I remember right.

La la la, I don't know. The world forget... Feel like so!

Life's too short for ugly dolls!

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RE: Introducing, the one...the only...Divine Miss D! - by kuanyin4 - 04-03-2013, 01:18 PM

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