New blue girl arrives ... with ... issues...
Oooh, I had another thought. Cinnamon is a great anti-fungal agent and I'd rather have a cinnamon-scented doll than coffee... but then again, I think it has to contact the mold. Probably not a good idea to sprinkle it on her!

(01-14-2016, 10:21 PM)Missy_Crane Wrote: Hope you get a helpful response from PS. I'm still waiting on a reply about my Silane's broken hand from before Christmas. (Beginning to think I should message them again but don't want to be a pest LOL )
Oh great. And I looked at my e-mail today and thought, "Oh, they didn't reply yet." You should be a pest -- broken parts aren't acceptable either! I don't want to be that annoying customer who goes all over the internet leaving reviews, but these days it seems that sometimes if you want a company to respond to a problem, you have to make a lot of public noise. It hasn't yet been 24 hours... I'll wait a few days...

(01-14-2016, 11:28 PM)Offgenemi Wrote: You can also use baking soda for the smell. I would wash her clothes and shoes (with vinegar and cold water).
Proportions...? What about the pleather/vinyl/suede in the outfit? That doesn't sound vinegar-friendly.

(01-15-2016, 01:24 AM)Little mouse Wrote: I am extremely scent/smell sensitive and I wouldn't be able to have her in the house!
I am too! Mostly to smoke & synthetic perfume though. Sucks, doesn't it. She hasn't bothered me allergy-wise but then I'm not sniffing her a lot!

(01-15-2016, 06:38 AM)fishy Wrote: I'd soak her clothes in vinegar for a bit to sanitize (and color-fast) them- and I'd definitely keep her and her things isolated from the other dolls in case of spread.
Straight vinegar?
Spread... ugh... Well, it's not like this house is totally sanitized and mold-free, but this makes me think of some lenses someone gave me which had some mildew in the elements, & there seemed to be a great concern among some photographers on a forum where I asked about it, that using them could transfer the stuff to my clean camera. I haven't done anything with them other than having the best one cleaned.
If she and the other dolls are out in the air, and outside, there shouldn't be as much danger of spreading...? But I will keep them separate till I figure out what to do.
Thanks for the sympathy, y'all blush
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RE: New blue girl arrives ... with ... issues... - by Alliecat - 01-15-2016, 07:18 AM

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