davidd's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020
Hm, actually I don't if singular dojos ever really took off in Scotland. I've always seen them as classes in a gym or other large area, but no one single building dedicated to it. Though watch, I'll google and be entirely wrong and wonder how I pased such a place all my life without ever noticing it properly.

Sorry to hear that the Clan did not necessarily succeed. I love the slightly aged vibe of the pictures - there's a distinct feeling of it being the late 80s/early 90s when the fad for this was booming.

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davidd's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020 - by davidd - 01-02-2020, 04:54 PM
RE: davidd's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020 - by werepuppy - 01-10-2020, 12:15 AM

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