Werepuppy's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020
(03-25-2020, 02:17 AM)neon_jellyfish Wrote: I agree! River is one of the coolest MH releases! PURPLE GHOST WITH VISIBLE BONES, OMIGOSH!!!!!!!!!! I love River. I'm proud to have her.

I hope you'll get through this lockdown without issues. Keeping my fingers crossed!

River is just AMAZING and so much fun to display. 

Thank you, dear! 

(03-25-2020, 06:43 AM)Alliecat Wrote: Nice colour combination.  I like her candy-floss-coloured hair.
I guess they 'have' to institute lockdowns if people aren't going to maintain distance, but, all those people stuck at home with nothing to occupy their minds are going to contribute to the already-growing level of stir-crazy.  There seems to be some uncertainty here about what that would actually mean.  I mean, making people stay indoors when there are roads & highway with no one much on them, and certainly not close enough to worry about, and beaches, ditto.... seems silly.  We need fresh air & exercise.  
Not everywhere is as lucky though.
I wish you & your family peace of mind through this!  Take care of each other & keep well.

It is very cool coloured hair. Upkeep on that irl would be so hard to deal with. 

I think the phrase "social distancing" is a bit too new to be helpful. As much as it may have the potential to cause panic, "stay at home" is clearer and gives people clear instructions. 

We're doing well so far! 

(03-25-2020, 10:24 AM)davidd Wrote: Perhaps the enforced indoor-time will allow you an opportunity to eggsplore some of those walled-off passageways and secret stairways behind bookcases there in the manor house that you've not previously had time to get to.

In more seriousness, I hope the time passes quickly and creatively for you. We shall be here to amuse you throughout the duration... barring psychological melt-downs of our own... not that anything like that would happen.

River is quite a nice MH figure, for the multiple reasons already mentioned... and because she's just so darn cute! That face-up is adorbs!

Keeping the mental health okay is going to be an issue for everyone right now, and I sincerely hope that people do find ways to keep their mind as stable as it can be. 

There's a real sense of mischief in River's face that is delightful. 

(03-25-2020, 03:46 PM)Elfy Wrote: They did market Brave oddly. I think it came out here before it screened in Scotland.

There was an early screening in Scotland at a film festival, but that was only to a limited number of people. It didn't come out properly here until a few days before the schools went back after summer. Like... it made no sense. 

(03-25-2020, 04:58 PM)Lejays17 Wrote: River is very cute, I like how they did the “skull” part of her face with the nose.

The white-bob version sounds very interesting.  I’ll have to poke around to look for pics.

I managed to find the concept art! Here!

- - - 

85. S is for Sidra

[Image: 67644558_1ce498d5af5759ee7a42a0f303e2eaea_standard.jpg]

Sidra is still one of the cooler Fashionistas, I think. In the Room she has her dear girlfriend, Yuukio, and is pretty damn happy with that. She's very good with coding, and is in the process of creating a game in the psychological horror genre.

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RE: Werepuppy's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020 - by werepuppy - 03-25-2020, 10:11 PM

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