Daesani's confusing not-quite makeover (??)
Y'all know Daesani is a redhead.  She just is.  Ever since I saw an owner photo with a red-haired Date Masamune I knew that was the colour I wanted to replace her bad box-hair stock wig that was the same length all the way around.  However, after that unfortunate incident with the fire a year ago, she has needed a new wig.  I just haven't been able to find the perfect shade of burgundy that didn't cost an arm and a leg with the 35% $CAD exchange.  It's not bad from the front but was soooo ratty & crispy in the back.
I got one that was advertised to fit Pullip -- and did not.  So, more waiting.
This month I found a couple of very cheap wigs and did the Photoshop test, & thought one would work.  When they arrived, I was surprised to find the one I thought was "it"... probably isn't... and the other one is a little better.  I'm still not sure -- I'll probably keep my eyes open for another burgundy wig.  But...
What do you guys think?  Should she be blonde???

First makeover with the red wig:

[Image: 15837725899_8ca7e2e812_o.jpg]

[Image: 42963217240_ce5d2d9815_o.jpg]

First up:  strawberry blonde.

[Image: 49835937421_4d0d45f087_z.jpg]

[Image: 49835403048_c60dd350c6_z.jpg]

[Image: 49835402978_09f99ae90e_z.jpg]

[Image: 49835937391_1449552f88_z.jpg]

Then, light blonde:

[Image: 49836241707_cc8a24e306_z.jpg]

[Image: 49835402828_8944d124ac_z.jpg]

[Image: 49836241832_4dbb1b085b_z.jpg]

[Image: 49836241767_c4042dca4d_z.jpg]

[Image: 49835402778_4289e5aa83_z.jpg]

[Image: 49835937141_a35eec99aa_z.jpg]

I guess I'll have to stop rolling my eyes at "which wig should I use" posts.  Like, you can't make up your own mind?  But -- here's such a post from me, haha!  I kind of prefer one of these over the other, but, I also kind of think she's still meant to be a redhead (?). (And crap, now that I'm looking at the photos I'm not sure about the blonde one being better than the other blonde one after all -- auwe!! Irritated )
What do you guys like on her and why?

Thanks for looking smile
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
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Daesani's confusing not-quite makeover (??) - by Alliecat - 04-30-2020, 02:03 PM

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